

Who disagreed with democritus' theory'?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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11y ago

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plato and aristotle

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1mo ago

One of the main opponents of Democritus' atomic theory was Aristotle. Aristotle believed in the concept of continuous matter and rejected the idea of indivisible particles as proposed by Democritus. This disagreement was rooted in their differing views on the nature of reality and the structure of the universe.

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The theory of Democritus and Leukippus was confirmed 2 400 years later; all the matter is...atoms. But note that the two Greek scientists created this theory intuitively, not after experiments.

What was Democritus's theory?

Democritus proposed the atomic theory, which posited that all matter is composed of indivisible, indestructible particles called atoms. He believed that atoms are constantly moving and combining in various ways to create different substances and objects. Democritus's ideas laid the groundwork for modern atomic theory in chemistry.

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