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When you include the effects of friction, it takes less force to move a light-weight object.

If you can get the objects into a frictionless environment, then any force, no matter

how small, can move any object, no matter how heavy.

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It would take less force to move a light weight object compared to a heavy object, as the heavier object has more mass and inertia, requiring more force to overcome its resistance to motion.

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Q: Which would take less force to move a heavy object or a light weight object?
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What is weight how does it feel and how do you feel it?

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. It can feel heavy or light depending on the amount of force exerted due to gravity on an object. You feel weight through the sensation of pressure or resistance on your body when you are supporting or carrying an object.

Why does a heavy object travel further than a light object with same force?

A heavy object travels further than a light object when acted upon by the same force because it has more inertia and requires more force to stop it. This means the heavy object will maintain its momentum and cover a longer distance before coming to a stop, compared to the lighter object.

Does force exerted on a body by light affect the mass or weight?

The force exerted by light does not affect the mass of an object since mass is an intrinsic property. However, the weight of an object may change due to the force exerted by light, as weight is the force acting on an object due to gravity.

Is weight determined by gravity?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. It is a measure of the gravitational pull on an object, determining how heavy or light it feels. Gravity influences an object's weight on Earth, but weight can vary depending on the strength of the gravitational field where the object is situated.

Is the force of friction greater on a heavy object or a light one?

The force of friction is typically greater on a heavy object because there is more weight pressing down on the surface, increasing the normal force and thus the force of friction. This means that heavier objects are generally harder to move across a surface than lighter objects.

Related questions

What is weight how does it feel and how do you feel it?

Weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. It can feel heavy or light depending on the amount of force exerted due to gravity on an object. You feel weight through the sensation of pressure or resistance on your body when you are supporting or carrying an object.

Why does a heavy object travel further than a light object with same force?

A heavy object travels further than a light object when acted upon by the same force because it has more inertia and requires more force to stop it. This means the heavy object will maintain its momentum and cover a longer distance before coming to a stop, compared to the lighter object.

Does force exerted on a body by light affect the mass or weight?

The force exerted by light does not affect the mass of an object since mass is an intrinsic property. However, the weight of an object may change due to the force exerted by light, as weight is the force acting on an object due to gravity.

Is weight determined by gravity?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. It is a measure of the gravitational pull on an object, determining how heavy or light it feels. Gravity influences an object's weight on Earth, but weight can vary depending on the strength of the gravitational field where the object is situated.

Is the force of friction greater on a heavy object or a light one?

The force of friction is typically greater on a heavy object because there is more weight pressing down on the surface, increasing the normal force and thus the force of friction. This means that heavier objects are generally harder to move across a surface than lighter objects.

What heavy object can be put on a light object?

-- A paper weight on a piece of paper. -- A car on an ant

Can you weigh light?

I would say that we can't weight light because whether heavy or light. if we weight any substance,if we pass light on that object the mass of that object will be constant so we cant measure light

If a light object and a heavy object collide which has a greater impact force?

The heavy object will have a greater impact force because its mass is larger, resulting in a greater resistance to changes in motion. The impact force is directly proportional to the mass of an object and the acceleration it experiences during a collision.

If equal forces are applied to a light and a heavy object which one will accelerate more?

The heavy object will accelerate less than the light object if equal forces are applied. This is because the heavier object has more mass, so it requires more force to accelerate it.

Can we use light to measure the weight of any object?

No, light cannot be used to directly measure the weight of an object. Weight is typically measured using a scale that relies on the force of gravity acting on the object, while light is used for different purposes such as imaging, communication, or sensing.

What stops first a heavy object or a light one?

A light object has less momentum than a heavy object. A light object would stop first.

How can you tell whether an object is heavy or light?

You can tell if an object is heavy or light by using your muscles to lift it or gauge its weight. Another way is to compare it to familiar objects of known weight. Additionally, you can also use a scale to measure its weight accurately.