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A repelling force is a force that pushes two objects away from each other. For example, the electromagnetic force between two positively charged particles would be repelling.

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Is gravity both an attractive and repelling force?

Gravity is an attractive force that pulls objects towards each other. It is not a repelling force.

Is there repelling in the US air force basic training?

There is no repelling in the Air Force Basic least not in 1985 when I joined.

What pairs of charged particles will result in a repelling force acting between the particles?

+ repels + , - repels - .

How does static electricity move objecs?

The electric lines of force. A repelling force is between two like charges. An attractive force is between two opposite charges.

What is the Repelling properties of electrons?

Electrons have repelling properties due to their negative charge. Like charges repel each other, so electrons repel each other when they come close together. This repelling force is responsible for the stability of atoms and prevents electrons from collapsing into the nucleus.

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The force that keeps electrons in orbit around the nucleus is called the repelling force of gravity. If there was no gravity the electrons would never stay in orbit but would be floating around in space.

In an atom the electrons travel around the nucleus somewhat like a satellite orbits the earth The force that keeps the electrons in orbit is the?

Repelling Force of Gravity

A repelling force must occur between two charged objects under which conditions?

A repelling force occurs between two charged objects when they have the same type of charge (both positive or both negative). According to Coulomb's Law, like charges repel each other with a force that increases as the magnitude of the charge on each object increases and as the distance between the objects decreases.

What is a sentence using magnetic force?

The magnetic force between two magnets is responsible for attracting or repelling them, based on their orientation and polarity.

What was the greek battle at marathon?

Athens and its ally Plataia repelling an attack by a Persian punitive amphibious expeditionary force.

Which magnetic force is the theory behind mag lev trains?

The "lev" part depends on like poles repelling.

What is a force to drive people away from a place is called?

A force that drives people away from a place is commonly referred to as a repelling force. This force can be physical or psychological, causing individuals to move away from a specific location.