

Which two forces can slow objects down?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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11y ago

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friction and weight

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Friction and air resistance are two forces that can slow down objects by exerting a resisting force opposite to the direction of motion. Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other, while air resistance is the frictional force air exerts on an object moving through it.

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Q: Which two forces can slow objects down?
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What will the 2 oppose forces and slow objects down?

Two opposing forces that can slow objects down are friction and air resistance. Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other, while air resistance is the force exerted by air on an object moving through it. Both forces act in the opposite direction of the object's motion and can decrease its speed.

What two forces act on objects to slow their motion?

Two forces that act on objects to slow their motion are friction and air resistance. Friction is the resistance an object experiences as it moves across a surface, while air resistance is the force opposing an object's motion as it moves through the air.

What 2 objects oppose to forces and slow objects?

Friction and drag are two forces that oppose motion and slow down objects. Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other, while drag is the resistance an object faces as it moves through a fluid like air or water. Both forces act to counteract the motion of an object.

What two forces can affect an objects velocity?

Two forces that can affect an object's velocity are acceleration and friction. Acceleration can increase or decrease the velocity of an object, while friction can slow down the object's motion by opposing its direction of movement.

What forces causeobjectstoslow down when theyare no longer being pushed?

The main forces that cause objects to slow down when they are not being pushed are friction and air resistance. Friction is the force that opposes the motion between two surfaces in contact, while air resistance is the force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion as it moves through the air. These forces gradually reduce the speed of the object until it comes to a stop.

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inertia and friction are the two forces that slow down a rocket

What will the 2 oppose forces and slow objects down?

Two opposing forces that can slow objects down are friction and air resistance. Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other, while air resistance is the force exerted by air on an object moving through it. Both forces act in the opposite direction of the object's motion and can decrease its speed.

What two forces act on objects to slow their motion?

Two forces that act on objects to slow their motion are friction and air resistance. Friction is the resistance an object experiences as it moves across a surface, while air resistance is the force opposing an object's motion as it moves through the air.

What 2 objects oppose to forces and slow objects?

Friction and drag are two forces that oppose motion and slow down objects. Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other, while drag is the resistance an object faces as it moves through a fluid like air or water. Both forces act to counteract the motion of an object.

What two forces can affect an objects velocity?

Two forces that can affect an object's velocity are acceleration and friction. Acceleration can increase or decrease the velocity of an object, while friction can slow down the object's motion by opposing its direction of movement.

What forces causeobjectstoslow down when theyare no longer being pushed?

The main forces that cause objects to slow down when they are not being pushed are friction and air resistance. Friction is the force that opposes the motion between two surfaces in contact, while air resistance is the force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion as it moves through the air. These forces gradually reduce the speed of the object until it comes to a stop.

What are the two forces that make the cyclist slow down?

The two forces that make a cyclist slow down are air resistance (drag) and friction. Air resistance occurs due to the drag force as the cyclist moves through the air, while friction between the bicycle tires and the road surface causes the bike to slow down.

When a rocket runs on fuel what two forces slow it down?

It's mass and gravitational pull.

What two forces slow a rocket down?

Air resistance (drag) and gravity are two forces that slow a rocket down. Air resistance pushes against the rocket due to its speed through the atmosphere, while gravity pulls the rocket back toward the Earth.

What is the force that causes moving objects to slow down?

The force that causes moving objects to slow down is called friction. It occurs when two surfaces are in contact and resist the relative motion between them. Friction converts kinetic energy into heat, causing objects to lose speed.

What are the two categories of forces?

The two categories of forces are contact forces, which occur when two objects are physically touching, and non-contact forces, which act between objects that are not in direct physical contact.

What are two forces that act on objects?

Typically there is the force of gravity pulling an object down, and a force that keeps it up - for example, the floor on which an object is standing pushes it up. There may be additional objects involved.