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mass m and height h

Potential Energy = mgh where g is acceleration of gravity

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1mo ago

Gravitational potential energy depends on an object's mass and its height above a reference point. The potential energy increases as either the mass or the height increases.

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Q: Which two factors does gravitational potential energy depend on?
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What factors does potential energy depend on?

Height and mass

What do factors determine gravitational potential energy?

The factors that determine gravitational potential energy are the object's mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height the object is raised to. Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the height it is raised, and is also affected by the strength of the gravitational field.

What two factors determine potential gravitational energy?

Weight and height

What are the two factors Gravitational potential energy depends on?

Gravitational potential energy depends on an object's mass and its height above a reference point, such as the ground. The greater the mass and height of an object, the higher its gravitational potential energy.

What effects gravitational potential energy?

PE=mgh So the 2 factors that effect gravitational potential energy are: -Mass of the object. -The height of the object.

What does gravitational potential energy depend on of the object?

Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height of the object above a reference point.

How is electric potential energy similar to gravitational potential energy?

Electric potential energy, like gravitational potential energy, represents the stored energy an object has due to its position or configuration in a field. Both types of potential energy depend on the object's distance or position relative to a source (electric charge for electric potential energy and mass for gravitational potential energy). The formulas for calculating electric and gravitational potential energy have similar mathematical forms involving distance and a constant.

What are the factors that determine how much gravitational energy and object has?

The factors that determine the gravitational potential energy of an object are its mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and its height above a reference point. The gravitational potential energy of an object increases with mass, height, and strength of gravity.

What 2 factors determine gravitational potential energy?

Mass and distance

Why is potential energy called gravitational potential energy?

Potential energy and gravitational potential energy are different from each other ."Potential energy is the ability of a body to do work." Anddue_to_its_height.%22">"Gravitational potential energy is the ability of a body to do work due to its height."Gravitational potential energy is a type of potential energy.

Is gravitational energy kinetic?

Gravitational potential energy is a form of potential energy, not kinetic energy. It represents the energy stored in an object due to its position relative to a gravitational field. However, when that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the object falls, it can lead to movement and activity.

What two factors determine an objects gravitational potential energy?

PE=mgh. Potential energy is the product of mass x gravity x height.