if you mean cant sink in water then the answer is pumice a light bubbly rock formed when an underwater volcano erupt. sometimes seen as a mass of land but only a floating island of pebbles.
Wood that is less dense and more porous, such as balsa wood or pine, is more likely to drown in water due to its ability to absorb water easily. These types of wood will soak up water, become waterlogged, and eventually sink.
Pumice is a type of stone that floats on water due to its high porosity and low density.
The mass of a stone in water is the mass of the stone outside water. The mass of an object is always its mass. (This assumes we are not discussing the theory of relativity.) On Earth, or the Moon or in water or not, mass is mass. What might be relevant, however, is the weight of a stone in water compared to the weight of a stone outside the water. Weight and mass are different. If you hold a stone in water and hold the same stone in air, you can feel a difference in the force you must apply to support the stone. In water, the stone feels a buoyant force equal the the weight of the water displaced. That is Archimedes principle. There is a difference in the apparent weight of a stone in water and a stone out of water equal to the eight of the water displaced.
When a stone is dropped into a glass of water, it displaces some of the water, causing the water level to rise. If the amount of water displaced is greater than the extra space in the glass, the water will overflow. This is due to the principle of displacement, where the volume of the stone submerged in water is equal to the volume of water displaced.
A stone does not float because it is denser than water, meaning it weighs more than the water it displaces. The buoyant force acting on an object in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object. Since the stone is heavier than the water it displaces, it sinks instead of floating.
it will drown unless it cant
All rocks drown smart one
fishes cant drown
A pumice stone is a volcano output that is so full of air bubbles and so light that it floats on water.
never, if you try and stop...you cant, unless your in water..and then you drown if you stop or try.
no becasue the black people cant swim so the drown and there at the bottom
Yes, it is possible to drown a fish. What you need: An airtight box A fish Yourself Go to a lake, ocean, or place with very deep water. Before you jump in, place the fish in an airtight container with NO WATER. Jump in the water with the airtight container and drown. You will drown with the fish, but yea, who cares.
Obviousley, the rabbit would drown. They cant swim nor breathe underwater.
He cant he needs a water stone
Ice Cubes 1. They melt, not burn 2. They can float in water
Yes, fleas can drown in water. It typically takes about 24 hours for fleas to drown in water.