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Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are considered the most damaging sources of energy to the environment. When these fuels are burned, they release harmful greenhouse gases and air pollutants, leading to air and water pollution, climate change, and other environmental impacts.

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Q: Which source of energy is most damaging to the environment?
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What sources of energy are most damaging to the environment?

Fossil fuels.

What mining material harms the environment the most?

The mining and burning of coal is the most damaging to the environment.

Which sources of power are the most environment friendly and why?

solar energy and win energy are the most environment friendly because the are renewable source of energy.moreover they are present in abundance.whereas water is also a renewable source but it is more difficult to renew it.hence solar and wind energy are the best option.

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Nuclear energy can have mixed economic impacts. On one hand, it can reduce energy costs and provide a reliable source of power, contributing to economic stability. On the other hand, building and maintaining nuclear plants can be expensive, and there are costs associated with waste storage and plant decommissioning. Additionally, the risk of accidents can have significant economic consequences.

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The source of energy for most organisms is chemical energy and sunlight.

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fule fossile is the most used energy source

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Nuclear energy that is the source of sun energy which in turn is the source of fossil and renewable energies.

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The sun is the main source of energy on earth.

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Cells require an environment with a stable temperature, balanced pH levels, oxygen for respiration, nutrients for energy production, and the removal of waste products. They also need protection from harmful substances and a constant supply of water to support various chemical reactions within the cell.

Are fats in food a rich source of energy?

Yes fats are the most calorific energy source.

How is water energy beneficial to the environment?

Water energy is beneficial to the environment because it produces clean electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants that contribute to air pollution and climate change. Additionally, hydropower can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the impacts of climate change by providing a stable and reliable source of renewable energy.