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Sir Isaac newton is credited with discovering the laws of gravity and inertia. His work laid the foundation for classical mechanics and our understanding of motion and force.

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Q: Which scientist discovered the laws of gravity an inertia?
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Which scientist discovered the laws of gravity and inertia?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with discovering the laws of gravity and inertia. He formulated his famous law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which laid the foundation for classical mechanics.

Which scientist discoered the laws of gravity and inertia?

Isaac Newton

The scientist who discovered the laws of gravitation and inertia was?

Isaac Newton is the scientist who discovered the laws of gravitation and inertia.

Who is Isaac Nutron and what did he discover?

His name is Issac Newton and he discovered the laws of gravity inertia and motion

What is name force that keep earth certain distance from sun?

Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).

The 3 scientist behind the laws of motion?

Newton Galileo(coined "inertia")

Did isaac newton created the laws of gravity?

Isaac newton discovered or formulated the laws of gravity. The laws exist and are a part of nature they were there before he discovered them, but yes it was he who wrote them down.

What scientist described the laws of inertia?

Sir Isaac Newton described the laws of inertia as part of his work on classical mechanics in his famous publication, "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.

Who viewed the universe as a vast machine control led by the laws of gravity and inertia?

Isaac Newton

Who was the first person to write about gravity?

The scientist who wrote about gravity and the laws of motion was Sir Isaac Newton.

Who discovered and wrote the laws of gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton

The Christian scientist who discovered the three laws of motion was?

Isaac Newton