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During contraction, the H zone and I band shorten while the A band remains the same length. The A band is the dark band in the sarcomere that contains the thick filaments, the I band is the light band composed of thin filaments, and the H zone is the area in the center of the sarcomere where only thick filaments are present.

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Q: Which region of the sarcomere shortens during contraction the dark band the light band or both?
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Related questions

Which region of a sarcomere shortens during contraction?

The region of a sarcomere that shortens during contraction is the H zone. The H zone is located in the center of the sarcomere and contains only thick filaments. When a muscle contracts, the thick and thin filaments slide past each other, causing the H zone to shorten.

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The region between two successive Z discs is called a sarcomere. It is the functional unit of a muscle fiber where the actin and myosin filaments interact during muscle contraction.

What region in a sarcomere does actin and myosin overlap?

The region in a sarcomere where actin and myosin overlap is called the A band. This is where the thick myosin filaments and thin actin filaments interact to generate muscle contraction.

What are the 3 sections along the length of sarcomere?

The three sections along the length of a sarcomere are the A band, the I band, and the H zone. The A band is the dark region in the center of the sarcomere that contains both thick and thin filaments, while the I band is the light region at the ends of the sarcomere that contains thin filaments only. The H zone is the region in the center of the sarcomere where only thick filaments are present.

How is the H band distinguished from the other prominent structural features of the sarcomere?

The H band is located at the center of the A band in the sarcomere and is where only thick filaments (myosin) are present, with no overlap with thin filaments (actin). It appears lighter under a microscope due to the organization of filaments. This region shortens during muscle contraction as the myosin filaments slide past the actin filaments towards the M line.

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Histological PerspectiveBoth ends of the muscle are pulled together. This is because each muscle fiber is divided into contractile units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is composed of layers of thin and thick filaments, Actin and Myosinrespectively. The thick filaments, myosin, are located in the center of the sarcomere, a region called the A-Band. On either side of each A-Band, is a region called the I-Band. The I-Band is primarily composed of the thin filaments (Actin), although the thin filaments do overlap with the thick filaments within a sub region of the A-band called the zone of overlap.As the muscle contracts the thick filaments pull the thin filaments together on either side, resulting in the apparent contraction of the muscle on both sides.Gross Anatomical Perspective.However, because a muscle is anchored at the origin of the stationary bone while its other end attaches at the insertion of the articulating bone and the net force of the contracting muscle pulls the insertion of the muscle to its origin.It follows that: The correct answer is toward the origin.

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