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"The theory proposes that..."

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Q: Which phrase is most likely to start a description of a scientific theory?
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What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation supported by evidence and can be modified as new evidence is discovered. A scientific law is a description of a natural phenomenon that is consistent and often expressed mathematically, without explaining why it happens.

Can a scientific theory become a scientific law?

You're playing with words ... a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.

Why Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if?

Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if new evidence contradicts the existing theory, if the theory fails to explain new observations accurately, or if a more comprehensive theory emerges that better explains the phenomena in question. Scientific theories are constantly refined and updated based on rigorous testing and evidence.

How is Scientific law and scientific theory diffrent?

A scientific law describes a consistent and universal relationship found in nature, such as the law of gravity. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence and research that can be used to predict outcomes or understand phenomena, such as the theory of evolution. Scientific laws are more specific and describe what happens, while scientific theories explain why and how it happens.

How does a scienific law differ from a theory?

A scientific law describes a consistent pattern or relationship observed in nature, while a scientific theory explains why and how that pattern or relationship occurs. Laws are generally more specific and precise, providing a mathematical description, while theories are broader explanations based on evidence and experimentation.

Related questions

How does a scientific law and a scientific theory relate?

A theory explains how something works - a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.

Can a scientific law become a scientific theory?

You're playing with words ... a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.

What is the scientific description of all living thing in terms of living?

Cell theory.

The difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law is that a scientific theory?

a scientific theory is a description of an observed phenomenon while a scientific theory is an explanation of an observed phenomenon

Which phrase best describes a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is the best explanation for a praticular pattern of observations.

Is a scientific theory inaccurate if it is not supported by a scientific law or laws?

most likely

A scientific law is .?

A description, often mathematical, of how (not why) a process occurs.

What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation supported by evidence and can be modified as new evidence is discovered. A scientific law is a description of a natural phenomenon that is consistent and often expressed mathematically, without explaining why it happens.

Can a scientific theory become a scientific law?

You're playing with words ... a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.

How are scientific laws and scientific theory different?

a scientific theorie is the explanashon of of things or events based on mant observashons.a scientific law is a description of of nature based on many observations.

What is the difference between a hypothesis a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A hypothesis is any concept concerning understanding something, anything. A (scientific) theory is a hypothesis which has been tested and found (so far) to be true. A "scientific law" is just a thumb-nail description of a theory (its never complete).

Why Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if?

Scientists are most likely to change a scientific theory if new evidence contradicts the existing theory, if the theory fails to explain new observations accurately, or if a more comprehensive theory emerges that better explains the phenomena in question. Scientific theories are constantly refined and updated based on rigorous testing and evidence.