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I don't think the particle model is hard to accept for grade 7 students because I was one last year. I'm not sure if you mean it's hard to accept because of religion or hard to accept because it is so counter intuitive?

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3mo ago

I find it reasonable that particles are always moving, even in solids, as this explains why matter can change shape. I find it harder to accept that there is empty space between particles, as it can be challenging to grasp how something solid can have space between its components.

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Q: Which part of the particle model seem reasonable to you which part do you find hard to accept for grade 7 science focus?
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What is the definition of focus in science?

In science, focus refers to the specific aspect or topic that a researcher is studying or investigating within a larger field. It often represents the central point of interest or attention in a scientific study, experiment, or analysis. Clarifying the focus helps scientists to define the scope and objectives of their research.

When was there a new focus on science and technology?

There has been a continuous focus on science and technology throughout history, but there was a notable shift towards this in the late 20th and early 21st centuries due to rapid advancements in fields such as computing, biotechnology, and space exploration. This has been driven by increased investment, globalization, and the importance of innovation in a rapidly changing world.

Why is science of nonlivng world no longer accepted for physical science?

The study of non-living phenomena is still an important component of physical science, particularly in fields such as physics and chemistry where the behavior of inanimate objects is a central focus. The distinction between living and non-living systems is important in biology, where the study of living organisms and their interactions is the primary focus.

What is the definition for focus in science?

In science, focus refers to the specific aspect or topic of interest that is being studied or emphasized in a research project or investigation. It helps to narrow down the scope of study and enables researchers to direct their attention and resources towards a particular area to achieve scientific objectives.

Is physical science one of the three main division of science?

Yes, physical science is one of the three main divisions of science. It is typically divided into physics, chemistry, astronomy, and earth sciences, which focus on studying the physical world and natural phenomena through experiments and observations.

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