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the adenine

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The phosphate group is the part of the ATP molecule that breaks free when ATP is used for energy, converting ATP to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This release of the phosphate group provides the energy needed for cellular processes.

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Q: Which part of the ATP molecule breaks free of the rest when an ATP molecule is used for energy?
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Why did Nikola Tesla want free energy?

Nikola Tesla believed that access to free energy would benefit all of humanity by improving living standards and promoting technological advancement. He envisioned a world where energy was abundant and easily accessible to all, without the limitations imposed by traditional energy sources. Tesla believed that free energy would lead to a better and more sustainable future for humanity.

Where is nuclear energy stored?

Nuclear energy is stored in the nuclei of atoms, particularly in the form of isotopes with unstable nuclei. This energy can be released through processes like nuclear fission or fusion to generate electricity.

In activity 1 part B what is the medium of wave propagation?

The medium of wave propagation in Activity 1 Part B is water. Waves travel through the water as energy is transferred from one molecule to the next, causing the water molecules to oscillate in the direction of the wave.

What do particles do in evaporation?

In evaporation, particles of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the air as vapor. This process occurs at the surface of the liquid where particles with higher kinetic energy break free and become part of the gas phase.

How does heat conduct gold?

Gold is an excellent conductor of heat because its electrons are free to move easily and carry thermal energy throughout the material. When heat is applied to gold, these free electrons transfer the thermal energy from one part of the material to another quickly, resulting in efficient heat conduction.

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What bond in ATP breaks to release energy during the formation of ADP?

The major molecule involved in energy release and storage is ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE. It contains a large ADENOSINE molecule connected to three PHOSPHATE groups via PHOSPHATE bond. When the bond that connects one of the three PHOSPHATE groups to the ADENOSINE molecule is broken down, energy is released. The resulting molecule would be ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE, one free PHOSPHATE group and energy.

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Is chlorophyll part of the ATP molecule?

No, chlorophyll is not part of the ATP molecule. Chlorophyll is a pigment responsible for capturing light energy during photosynthesis in plants, while ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule that stores and transfers energy within cells for various cellular processes.

A molecule is the smallest complete unit of?

A molecule is the combination of two or more atoms which may exist free in nature. Does this mean that one atom of heliom is NOT a molecule? yes it is not a molecule it is an atom that exists free as a molecule so the term monoatomic molecule is used for noble gase but not only molecule.

What part of the mitochondria stores the food?

The glucose that the mitochondria takes in and then breaks down to form energy is in the matrix.

Where is energy stored in matter?

Your question is not specific enough, what do you mean? ------------------------------------------------------------------- From Rafaelrz: In fluids part of the energy is stored in the molecule's: Kinetic Energy. Rotational Energy. Vibration Energy. Electronic Energy. In solids the first two are excluded. Another part of the energy is stored in the chemical bonds between the atoms that form the molecule. A large amount of energy is stored in the forces ("Strong Forces) that keep the nuclear particles together in the atoms nucleus (Nuclear Energy).

What is the definition of chemical breakdown?

Generally it means breaking a larger molecule into smaller parts. That can be done by means of injecting energy into the molecule such that it breaks apart, or by introducing other molecules, ions, or atoms into the structure. Energy could be thermal, you heat the chemical until it decomposes. It could be light such as UV, which is high energy and breaks chemical bonds between atoms, thus changing or breaking apart the molecule. It could be any part of the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves, they are all energy. The chemical could be exposed to ions from an acid or base - the ion attacks some of the chemical bonds in the molecule and breaks them. It could be exposed to a reactive molecule such as oxygen, which oxidizes the chemical (think iron to rust), thus causing breakdown.

Is a molecule part of a atom?

no an atom is a part of a molecule.

What is the molecule smallest part of?

A molecule is the smallest part of a chemical compound.

What is the principal energy-transmitting molecule that dissociates by hydrolysis to form adenosine diphosphate and P i?

Atp - adenosine triphosphate. ATP and ADP cycle. It is part of intracellular energy transfer.

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