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The children pass through the parish of Trelawny to get to Falmouth.

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Q: Which parish do the children pass through in order to get to Falmouth?
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Catholic AnswerWhatever priests the Bishop of the diocese assigns to a particular parish. Normally one priest is assigned as pastor and he has pastoral care of the parish. Other priests, either assistants, or "in residence" help out. In some circumstances, a parish may be entrusted by its Bishop to a Religious Order to staff, the Franciscans staffed my local parish for many years, and St. Vincent Archabbey, in Pennsylvania, is composed of Benedictine monks, many of whom have staffed parishes for many years. Still, even in these circumstances, only one priest is named as pastor.

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Can my wife and I have a friend's daughter baptised in the Roman Catholic Church if we both are Catholic but never married through the church?

The short answer is: Maybe. The long answer is: There are many factors that have to be taken into account, in order to determine the possibility of this baptism. Further, this is a determination that has to be made by the pastor of the parish where the proposed baptism is to take place. It is the responsibility of this pastor to decide. It is possible, though, to take the preparatory steps at another parish. If you take this route, make sure to facilitate communications between both parishes.) The priest that you talk to, and parish staff, will help to gather the information necessary for the pastor to make his determination, and to prepare everyone for the sacrament.