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Primary waves (P-waves) are the fastest seismic waves and are the first to arrive at a seismograph after an earthquake. They travel through solids, liquids, and gases, but their speed and direction change when they pass from one material to another.

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Q: Which one of the following statements is true concerning primary waves?
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From which of the following do primary and secondary waves move outward?

Primary waves (P-waves) move outward from the focus of an earthquake, while secondary waves (S-waves) also move outward from the focus. Both types of waves are seismic body waves that travel through the Earth's interior.

What do primary waves do to rocks?

The first waves to hit are primary waves. Primary waves are seismic waves that compress and stretch the ground. P waves, or primary waves, can wreck buildings and can move straightforward through solids and liquids.

What is the abbreviation for primary waves?

The abbreviation for primary waves is P-waves.

Are the primary waves faster then the secondary waves?

Primary seismic waves travel the fastest.

Longitudinal seismic wave are known as?

The Answer is primary waves.

Which earthquake wave travels fastest?

Primary waves (P-waves) travel the fastest among seismic waves, with speeds ranging from 1.5 to 8 kilometers per second. They are the first waves to be detected on seismographs following an earthquake.

Which seismic waves travel the fastest?

Primary waves (P-waves) are the fastest seismic waves and are the first to be detected after an earthquake. They are able to travel through solid rock, liquid, and gas, making them the fastest seismic waves.

What waves are there for earthquakes?

Primary waves, Secondary waves, and Seismic waves

What are the waves that arrive after primary waves in the Earth?

Secondary waves.

What is known as P waves?

primary waves or compressional waves

What is a name for P waves?

Primary waves / compression waves / longitudinal waves.