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Using energy-efficient LED light bulbs would minimize the energy used to light a building compared to incandescent or halogen bulbs. LED bulbs consume less electricity and have a longer lifespan, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective lighting option for buildings.

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Q: Which one of the following minimises the energy used to light a building?
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How do you describe the changes in energy in a light bulb?

When a light bulb is turned on, electrical energy is transformed into light (radiant) energy and heat energy. This conversion process results in changes in energy form but the total energy remains constant, following the law of conservation of energy.

What order does the energy change form when a flashlight produces light from the batteries?

The energy in a flashlight changes form in the following order: chemical energy stored in the batteries is converted into electrical energy, which powers the light bulb to produce light energy.

What kind of energy produced in building a bonfire?

A bonfire produces mainly thermal energy in the form of heat and light. The burning of the wood releases stored chemical energy in the form of heat and light energy.

What energy transformation in building a bonfire?

Building a bonfire involves converting chemical energy stored in the wood into thermal energy (heat) and light energy through combustion. Initially, the potential energy in the wood is transformed into kinetic energy as the wood is broken and arranged. When ignited, this stored chemical energy is released through a chemical reaction, producing heat and light as byproducts.

What is the order of energy transfer in a flashlight?

In a flashlight, the energy transfer occurs in the following order: chemical energy from the battery is converted into electrical energy by the circuit, which then powers the light bulb to produce light energy and heat energy.

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What are the Building blocks into products of photosynthesis?

Light energy

What form of energy is absorbed my the chloroplast?

Chlorophyll absorbs certain wave lengths of light in the transference of heat driving the plants osmosis and cell building activities.

What of the following is the only cell organelle that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

The chloroplast.

How do you describe the changes in energy in a light bulb?

When a light bulb is turned on, electrical energy is transformed into light (radiant) energy and heat energy. This conversion process results in changes in energy form but the total energy remains constant, following the law of conservation of energy.

What order does the energy change form when a flashlight produces light from the batteries?

The energy in a flashlight changes form in the following order: chemical energy stored in the batteries is converted into electrical energy, which powers the light bulb to produce light energy.

What kind of energy produced in building a bonfire?

A bonfire produces mainly thermal energy in the form of heat and light. The burning of the wood releases stored chemical energy in the form of heat and light energy.

What energy transformation in building a bonfire?

Building a bonfire involves converting chemical energy stored in the wood into thermal energy (heat) and light energy through combustion. Initially, the potential energy in the wood is transformed into kinetic energy as the wood is broken and arranged. When ignited, this stored chemical energy is released through a chemical reaction, producing heat and light as byproducts.

Which organelle in the following list carries out photosynthesis converting light to chemical energy?

Chloroplasts are the organelles that carry out photosynthesis in plant cells, converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

What if your body converts chemical energy to all of the following EXCEPT?

Your body does not convert chemical energy into light energy.

What is the order of energy transfer in a flashlight?

In a flashlight, the energy transfer occurs in the following order: chemical energy from the battery is converted into electrical energy by the circuit, which then powers the light bulb to produce light energy and heat energy.

Which of the following is the type of energy light has?

Light is energy. But it also has heat energy, because if it is alight then it warms up. However, this is actually kinetic energy (heat is actually kinetic) because the particles are moving to create heat. This would be wasted energy in a lamp.

What facilitates the conversion of the building blocks into the products of photosynthesis?

light energy in the form of photons striking the chlorophyl contained in the chloroplasts