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Increasing the wavelength results in decreasing the frequency and decreasing the energy.

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1mo ago

Increasing the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave will decrease its frequency and energy. This change can affect how the wave interacts with matter, such as increased penetration through obstacles or reduced absorption by certain materials.

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Q: Which of the following is an effect of increasing the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave?
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Increasing the speed of the plunger would decrease the wavelength of the wave. This is because the wavelength and speed of a wave are inversely related according to the wave equation λ = v/f, where λ is the wavelength, v is the speed, and f is the frequency of the wave.

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Increasing the wavelength typically does not have a direct effect on the amplitude of a wave. The amplitude of a wave is usually determined by the energy or disturbance that created the wave, which is independent of its wavelength.

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The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.

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Increasing the coils will increase the strength of the magnetic field.

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As energy increases, the wavelength decreases. This is described by the inverse relationship between energy and wavelength in electromagnetic waves. Higher energy corresponds to shorter wavelengths, and vice versa.

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Increasing the frequency of water waves will shorten the wavelength and increase the energy of the waves. This can lead to more turbulent and choppy water conditions.

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The Relationship is the 'Flux' of the magnetic field.Changing the amount of energy will not effect the wavelength (except to choke off the field when it becomes too dense)and increasing the wavelength will increase the energy density (flux)

What effect if any does increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the waves?

It will shorten the wavelength.

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What affect if any does increasing the speed of the plunger have on the wavelength of the wave?

I would think the wavelength would be shorter as you would stroke the plunger more often in any given period of time. That would make the peaks closer together.Unless you are refering to only one stroke and then I would say no effect on wavelength.