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The non-conventional sources of energy are:

1. Wind Energy

advantages- non-polluting; low cost production of electricity once setup; safe and clean

disadvantages- noise pollution; wind mills costly to setup; disturbs radio and T.V. reception; harmful to birds.

2. Solar Energy

advantages- inexhaustible; non-polluting

disadvantages- expensive; diffused source, so gets wasted.

3. Tidal Energy

advantages- non-polluting; inexhaustible

disadvantages- destroys wildlife habitat; difficult to harness

4. Nuclear energy

advantages- Emits large amount of energy

disadvantages- generates radioactive waste; expensive

5. Bio Gas

advantages- low cost; easy to operate; makes use of bio waste

disadvantages- causes green house effect

6. Geothermal Energy

advantages- clean Eco friendly and always available

disadvantages- located far away from cities and so costly to transport the electricity

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14y ago
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9mo ago

Non-conventional sources of energy include solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and tidal energy. These sources are considered non-conventional because they are not derived from traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

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13y ago

Non conventional resources of energy also known as reneable source of energy . these source of energy are endless in the environment they can be quickly replaced in environment by water cycle of from the plants and are also cheap and present in abandance .

eg :- wind : wind mill

water : hydro electricity

tide : tidal energy


by MK

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14y ago

The non-conventional sources of energy are:

1. Wind Energy

advantages- non-polluting; low cost production of electricity once setup; safe and clean

disadvantages- noise pollution; wind mills costly to setup; disturbs radio and T.V. reception; harmful to birds.

2. Solar Energy

advantages- inexhaustible; non-polluting

disadvantages- expensive; diffused source, so gets wasted.

3. Tidal Energy

advantages- non-polluting; inexhaustible

disadvantages- destroys wildlife habitat; difficult to harness

4. Nuclear energy

advantages- Emits large amount of energy

disadvantages- generates radioactive waste; expensive

5. Bio Gas

advantages- low cost; easy to operate; makes use of bio waste

disadvantages- causes green house effect

6. Geothermal Energy

advantages- clean Eco friendly and always available

disadvantages- located far away from cities and so costly to transport the electricity

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16y ago

Non Conventional Energy sources are those energy sources which are renewable and ecologically safe, such as tidal power, wind power, etc.

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13y ago

conventional and non-convetional sources of energy difine and give the example

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15y ago

Use of renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind, tide, biomass and energy from waste materials are called non-conventional energy sources.

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15y ago

any resources which are not used in everyday life are called non conventional source of energy.. ex. solar energy, geothermal energy.

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16y ago

Solar, wind, waves, tidal, biomass, nuclear, geothermal

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12y ago

solar power

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Q: Which of the following can be called non-conventional source of energy?
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