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Atoms can bond to each other during chemical reactions.

All matter is made up of units called atoms.

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Dalton's idea that elements are composed of indivisible atoms, that atoms of the same element are identical, and that atoms combine in simple whole number ratios in chemical reactions have been incorporated into current atomic theory. However, his hypothesis that atoms are indivisible has been proven wrong by the discovery of subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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Q: Which of Dalton's ideas on atomic theory have been applied to current theory?
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What part of daltons atomic theory was proved incorrect?

One part of Dalton's atomic theory that was proved incorrect is the assumption that atoms are indivisible and cannot be further subdivided. The discovery of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons showed that atoms are made up of smaller components.

How is the modern atomic theory different from Daltons atomic theory?

The modern atomic theory includes the concept of isotopes, which Dalton's theory did not address. Furthermore, modern atomic theory describes atomic structure using quantum mechanics, which was not known in Dalton's time. Additionally, modern atomic theory recognizes the existence of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom, while Dalton's theory considered atoms as indivisible.

John daltons inventions?

John Dalton was a British scientist known for his work in chemistry and the development of atomic theory. His most notable invention was the concept of atomic theory, which proposed that all matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. Dalton also introduced symbols to represent elements and their atomic weights, laying the foundation for modern chemistry.

Why did a lot of time go by between Thomsons work and Daltons?

The gap between Thomson's work on the electron and Dalton's work on atomic theory can be attributed to advancements in experimental techniques and theoretical understanding. Thomson's discovery of the electron in the late 19th century provided the foundation for understanding the subatomic world, which set the stage for Dalton's work on atomic theory in the early 19th century. Additionally, the development of chemistry as a science and the accumulation of experimental evidence over time allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of atomic structure and behavior.

What did daltons theory contribute to science?

Type your answer here... It formed the basis upon which the rest of chemistry was built.

Related questions

How does Daltons atomic theory explain the law of definite proportions?


How did daltons atomic theory lead to the different model scientists have today?

Dalton's theory was irrelevant to the total compensation of of the Atomic Mass.

Why scientists accepted daltons atomic theory but not the idea of an atom proposed by the Greek philosopher?

the Greek Philosophers did not test their theory.

Which tenet of Daltons atomic theory did Thomson disprove?

Atoms cannot be divided into smaller particles.

Why do you think our current of atomic structure is well accepted as a scientific theory but is not a scientific law?

In science, "theory" is the name applied to well-established scientific knowledge. It doesn't mean that there are doubts about the atomic theory.

What experiment did daltons use for his atomic theory?

dalton wasnt the one who experimented with gold, rutherford was the one who did the gold foil experiment.

Did postulate 4 of Daltons atomic theory holds true now?

No, postulate 4 of Dalton's atomic theory, which stated that atoms of the same element are identical, is not entirely true. We now know that isotopes exist, which are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. This means that atoms of the same element can have slightly different masses.

Why was daltons model accepted?

Dalton's atomic theory or model was accepted despite errors. This is because his theory provided a logical explanation of concepts and led the way to new experimentations.

How can an stm help improve daltons theory?

An STM (scanning tunneling microscope) can help improve Dalton's atomic theory by providing visual evidence of individual atoms and their arrangements on surfaces. This experimental data can offer insights into the precise structure and behavior of atoms, supporting or refining Dalton's ideas based on empirical observation. Additionally, STM allows for the direct observation of atomic interactions and bonding, which can lead to a deeper understanding of atomic behavior beyond what Dalton's theory originally proposed.

Did daltons atomic theory include the idea that all atoms of all elements are the same size?

No, Dalton's atomic theory did not include the idea that all atoms of all elements are the same size. Instead, he proposed that atoms of different elements have different sizes and weights.

How does model of helium help in current atomic theory?


What part of daltons atomic theory was proved incorrect?

One part of Dalton's atomic theory that was proved incorrect is the assumption that atoms are indivisible and cannot be further subdivided. The discovery of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons showed that atoms are made up of smaller components.