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Diamond is the hardest mineral known.

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4mo ago

Diamond is the hardest natural material, followed by synthetic diamond. Aluminum is relatively soft compared to these two. Iron is harder than aluminum but still softer than diamond. Lead is the softest of these materials.

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Q: Which object is the hardest diamond aluminum iron or lead?
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Are things made of iton always more massive than things made of aluminum?

Not necessarily. The mass of an object is determined by its volume and the density of the material it is made of. While iron is denser than aluminum, an object made of aluminum can still be more massive if it has a larger volume compared to an object made of iron.

Can a diamond be scratched by an iron nail?

No, a diamond is one of the hardest natural materials and is unlikely to be scratched by an iron nail. Diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds or by certain industrial tools designed specifically for cutting or shaping diamonds.

What is harder a diamond or iron?

Diamond by far, is harder than steel. Steel is an alloy of constituents being iron and carbon as the major ingredients. It is hard due to the interaction between iron and carbon molecules which causes them to stay binded together giving strength. Diamond, on the other hand, is solely made up of carbon (diamond is an allotrope of carbon). The attracting force and the perfect stable geometry gives carbon a lot of strength, making it the hardest natural substance ever known.

Does aluminum block contain a greater buoyant force or the iron block?

The aluminum block will experience a greater buoyant force compared to the iron block because aluminum is less dense than iron, making it more buoyant in water. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object, so the lighter aluminum block displaces more water and experiences a stronger upward force.

Which metal conducts heat faster aluminum or iron?

Aluminum conducts heat faster than iron. This is because aluminum has a higher thermal conductivity value compared to iron, meaning it can transfer heat more efficiently.

Related questions

Which mineral is harder than iron?

Diamond is harder than iron. Diamond is the hardest known natural mineral and can scratch iron.

Why iron corrodes but aluminum does not?

Both iron and aluminum will oxidize. When iron oxidizes the product (rust) easily crumbles away, exposing more iron to oxidation. Aluminum is even more reactive than iron, but the aluminum oxide that forms is one of the hardest known substances and forms a protective layer that, even though it is microscopic, shields the aluminum from corrosion.

What elements make up a corundum?

A corundum is composed of aluminum oxide with traces of impurities, such as iron, titanium, and chromium. It crystalizes in the trigonal system with a hexagonal prism structure. It is one of the hardest minerals, second only to diamond.

What are Hard metal?

Diamond is the Hardest in the world. Coming from carbon. Iron, Gold , Aluminium are hard metals

Is steel the hardest natural material?

No. I don,t know what is but diamond is one of the hardest. Besides, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, not a naturally occurring material.

Is diamond harder than iron or the other way around?

Iron Ranks about a 4-5 on the Moh's hardness scale. A diamond is a perfect 10 diamond. A diamond much harder then iron.

Are things made of iton always more massive than things made of aluminum?

Not necessarily. The mass of an object is determined by its volume and the density of the material it is made of. While iron is denser than aluminum, an object made of aluminum can still be more massive if it has a larger volume compared to an object made of iron.

What are some hard metals?

Diamond is the Hardest in the world. Coming from carbon. Iron, Gold , Aluminium are hard metals

Can a diamond be scratched by an iron nail?

No, a diamond is one of the hardest natural materials and is unlikely to be scratched by an iron nail. Diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds or by certain industrial tools designed specifically for cutting or shaping diamonds.

What is the hardest element in the world iron or diamonds?

Diamonds are harder than iron. Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance known, scoring a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, while iron is relatively soft and malleable, with a Mohs hardness of around 4.

What do you get when you mix aluminum and oxygen and iron?

When you mix aluminum and oxygen, you get aluminum oxide. If you mix iron with aluminum oxide, the aluminum will react with the iron oxide, forming a thermite reaction that produces molten iron and aluminum oxide slag.

What are the pros and cons of iron vs aluminum cars?