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The Law of Conservation of Momentum, which derives from Newton's second and third laws of motion.

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The law that states that the total initial momentum equals the total final momentum is the law of conservation of momentum. This principle applies to isolated systems where no external forces are present, and it shows that momentum is conserved during interactions between objects.

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Q: Which law states that the total initial momentum equals the total final momentum?
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What According to the law of conversation of momentum and in what system do you initial total momentum before a collision equals the final total momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. This principle applies in closed systems where the initial total momentum before a collision is equal to the final total momentum after the collision.

When objects collide the total initial momentum equals the total final momentum is called what?

The law of conservation of momentum. This law states that the total momentum of objects before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, provided no external forces are acting on the system.

Which quantities do you need to know in order to determine the change in an objects momentum?

To determine the change in an object's momentum, you need to know the initial momentum of the object (mass x initial velocity) and the final momentum of the object (mass x final velocity). The change in momentum is equal to the final momentum minus the initial momentum.

How do you find time with momentum and force?

To find time with momentum and force, you can use the impulse-momentum theorem which states that impulse is equal to the change in momentum. Mathematically, impulse (force multiplied by time) equals the change in momentum (mass multiplied by final velocity minus initial velocity). By rearranging the formula, you can solve for time: time = change in momentum / force.

Conservation of linear momentum and energy?

The conservation of linear momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it. This means that the initial momentum is equal to the final momentum. The conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In a closed system, the total energy remains constant, meaning the initial energy is equal to the final energy.

Related questions

What According to the law of conversation of momentum and in what system do you initial total momentum before a collision equals the final total momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. This principle applies in closed systems where the initial total momentum before a collision is equal to the final total momentum after the collision.

How is the change in momentum calculated?

IN general change is defined as the difference of initial from the final. So change = Final - Initial. Hence change in momentum = Final momentum - initial momentum

When objects collide the total initial momentum equals the total final momentum is called what?

The law of conservation of momentum. This law states that the total momentum of objects before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, provided no external forces are acting on the system.

How do you find magnitude of final momentum?

Use this formula:Final momentum = (initial momentum) + (change in momentum)

Which quantities do you need to know in order to determine the change in an objects momentum?

To determine the change in an object's momentum, you need to know the initial momentum of the object (mass x initial velocity) and the final momentum of the object (mass x final velocity). The change in momentum is equal to the final momentum minus the initial momentum.

What Does it Men To Momentum is Conserved?

When momentum is conserved, the initial momentum is equal to the final momentum.

Why is it incorrect to say that impulse equals momentum?

Impulse is the change in momentum. Therefore Impulse is only equal to momentum if the initial momentum was equal to zero. Its the same phenomenon as position and displacement. Impulse= final momentum-initial momentum= mv - mv_0= Force * Time Where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

How do you find time with momentum and force?

To find time with momentum and force, you can use the impulse-momentum theorem which states that impulse is equal to the change in momentum. Mathematically, impulse (force multiplied by time) equals the change in momentum (mass multiplied by final velocity minus initial velocity). By rearranging the formula, you can solve for time: time = change in momentum / force.

What does the impulse-momentum theorem state?

Impulse equals change in momentum. "Apex" The final momentum of any object (or collection of objects) must equal to its initial momentum plus any impulse imparted to the object (or collection of objects).

Conservation of linear momentum and energy?

The conservation of linear momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it. This means that the initial momentum is equal to the final momentum. The conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In a closed system, the total energy remains constant, meaning the initial energy is equal to the final energy.

What is the formula for change in momentum?

m1v1+m2v2 =m1u1+m2u2....i think so...thats what i was trying to find out!!!! Newton's second law is that the force equals the rate of change of momentum: F = d/dt (MV) = MdV/dt + VdM/dt. Usually the second term gets forgotten, leaving F=MdV/dt, or in other words: force = mass times acceleration.

If A 0.50 kg ball with a speed of 4.0 strikees a stationary 1.0 kg target if momentum is conserved what is the total momentum of the ball and target after te collision?

When the 0.500kg ball collides with the stationary ball, momentum is conserved. Meaning, initial momentum = final momentum. Momentum of an object is = mass(m) x velocity (v). If two objects are in the system, then you have to add up both initial momentums and set them equal to the final momentums... So... m x v(initial, first object) + m x v(initial, second object) = final momentum. (0.500kg)(4.0m/s) + (1.0kg)(0m/s) = final momentum. So the final momentum equals 2.0kgm/s... D. 2.0 kgm/s