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Silver is, then copper, then gold, and then aluminum. Copper is used for wiring because it is cheaper than silver. Aluminum is not used very much anymore because it can be dangerous when installed improperly.

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Silver is the best conductor among gold, silver, copper, and aluminum. It has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity, making it the most efficient conductor for transmitting electricity and heat.

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Q: Which is the best conductor among these gold silver copper or aluminum?
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Silver is the best conductor of electricity among common metals. It has the highest electrical conductivity of any metal and is often used in applications where high conductivity is essential, such as in electrical wiring.

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Which is the best conductor for heat?

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What is the best conductor of heat energy?

Silver is the best conductor of heat energy among common metals, as it has the highest thermal conductivity. Copper is also an excellent conductor of heat and is commonly used for heat exchangers and cooling systems.

What substance is the best conductor of elecricity?

Silver is the best conductor of electricity among common metals, followed by copper. Both silver and copper have high electrical conductivity due to the mobility of their free electrons, which allows them to carry electric current efficiently.

Does silver have a high or low resistance?

Silver is known to have one of the lowest electrical resistances among all metals. This property makes it an excellent conductor of electricity, which is why it is commonly used in electrical applications such as wiring and circuitry.

What metal is the best conductor of heat?

We know that silver is the best heat conductor among the metals, followed by copper.

Which is the metal that is best conductor of heat and electricity?

Silver is the best metal which is the conductor of electricity and heat. Silver is the best electricity conducting element, but not the best heat conductor. Carbon(Diamond) and Helium(Helium II state) are even better conductors of heat.