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Principle of Exercise is not one of the three principles of training. The three principles are Overload, Specificity, and Progression.

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Q: Which is not one of the three Principles of Training Principle of Overload Principle of Exercise Principle of Specificity Principle of Progression?
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The principle of progression states which of the following?

The principle of progression states that in order to see improvements in physical fitness, one must gradually increase the intensity, duration, or frequency of exercise over time. This gradual increase helps the body adapt and become stronger.

Is the principle whereby improvement occurs when increased demands are made upon the body.?


What is mechanical specificity means?

Mechanical specificity refers to the type of movement or exercise being performed. It involves the specific muscles and joints being targeted, as well as the movement pattern and speed. Adhering to mechanical specificity is important for achieving specific training goals and minimizing the risk of injury.

What principle of training should be applied to reduce chance of injury?

The principle of progression should be applied to reduce the chance of injury. This involves gradually increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of exercise to allow the body time to adapt and reduce the risk of injury. It is important to avoid sudden spikes in training volume or intensity that may overwhelm the body's ability to recover.

F.I.T.T. means frequency Intensity Time and Type.?

Correct. F.I.T.T. is a principle used in exercise prescription that stands for Frequency (how often you exercise), Intensity (how hard you exercise), Time (how long you exercise), and Type (the specific kind of exercise). It helps tailor a workout program to individual needs and goals.

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What are the Army's seven recognized Principles of Exercise?

1. Regularity 2. Progression 3. Overload 4. Balance 5. Specificity 6. Variety 7. Recovery

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The principle of progression states which of the following?

The principle of progression states that in order to see improvements in physical fitness, one must gradually increase the intensity, duration, or frequency of exercise over time. This gradual increase helps the body adapt and become stronger.

What description matches the alternative exercise principles of specificity?

Targeted exercise should improve the performance of a certain task. Repetition of specific exercises will help improve the given task.

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Harley decided she wanted to improve the shape of her arms by adding a tricep extension to her routine. Which principle is at work?

Specificity because she is using a specific exercise for what she wants to happen

What is the principle whereby improvement occurs when increased demands are made upon the body?

This principle is known as the principle of progressive overload. It states that in order for the body to improve, it must be subjected to gradually increasing levels of stress or demands during exercise. This progression challenges the body to adapt and become stronger, fitter, or more efficient.

What principle refers to the bodys adaptation to a particular type of activity?

The principle that refers to the body's adaptation to a particular type of activity is the principle of specificity. This principle states that training effects are specific to the type of exercise performed, so the body will adapt in response to the specific demands placed on it during training.

What does FITT mean in sport?

Specificity - Choosing a type of exercise that is related to the sport you do. Progression - Gradually progress/increase the exercise you are doing. Overload - Doing more exercise than what the muscles are used do. Reversibility - The muscles slowly decrease in strength due to a stop in exercise. Tedium - Varies of different exercising do prevent boredom. Frequency - How often you exercise. Intensity - How hard you exercise. Time - How long you exercise for. Type - The type of exercise you do.

How could you adapt your future workouts using the sport and fitt principles to improve your flexibility?

You could adapt your future workouts using the SPORT/FITT principles to improve your flexibility by choosing specificexercise, the progression of the exercise, overloaddoing more exercise than usual, reversing to slowly decrease the strength due to a stop in exercise, tedium to do different exercise to prevent boredom. frequency how much you exercise, intensity how hard you exercise, timehow long you exercise, and the type of exercise you do.

What is the principle of progression in sport?

The Principle of Progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and an optimal time frame for this overload to occur. Overload should not be increased too slowly or improvement is unlikely. Overload that is increased too rapidly will result in injury or muscle damage. Exercising above the target zone is counterproductive and can be dangerous. For example, the weekend athlete who exercises vigorously only on weekends does not exercise often enough, and so violates the principle of progression.

What does Specificity mean in sport?

Choosing a type of exercise that is related to the sport you do