the sources of energy is heat because h2o+c2o+l2o+a2o+w2o+d2o=soeliam
An ideal machine can do work by transferring energy from a source to the object being worked on with perfect efficiency, meaning no energy is lost in the process. This can be achieved by converting one form of energy to another, such as mechanical energy to electrical energy, without any energy dissipation. Ideal machines have no friction or resistance, allowing them to perform work without any loss of energy.
Friction can reduce a machine's efficiency by causing energy loss in the form of heat and sound. This can result in increased wear and tear on the machine, leading to reduced performance and potentially higher energy consumption. Minimizing friction through lubrication and proper maintenance can help improve a machine's efficiency.
Energy is typically wasted in a washing machine through heat loss from the heating element, inefficient water usage, and from running the machine with less than a full load. Improving these aspects can help reduce energy wastage in washing machines.
Energy conversion in a washing machine involves transforming electrical energy from the power source into mechanical energy to drive the motor that agitates and spins the drum. This mechanical energy is further converted into kinetic energy to move and clean the clothes inside the machine. Additionally, some energy is converted into heat energy to warm the water for washing.
An ideal machine is one that operates with 100% efficiency, meaning that all input energy is converted into useful work output without any energy loss. An example could be a hypothetical machine that requires no external energy input to perform its tasks. However, in reality, achieving 100% efficiency is not possible due to factors such as friction and heat loss.
the sources of energy is heat because h2o+c2o+l2o+a2o+w2o+d2o=soeliam
No heat loss = maximum output. There would be no loss of energy, which is an ideal condition.
There is a machine, this machine reacts to wind. Like a fan, it moves when wind passes throught it. When its moving its creating a friction inside of the machine and the friction is harnest into a energy source used by humans.
Burn fat as primary source of energy
to reduce the energy loss due to frictional force.
An ideal machine can do work by transferring energy from a source to the object being worked on with perfect efficiency, meaning no energy is lost in the process. This can be achieved by converting one form of energy to another, such as mechanical energy to electrical energy, without any energy dissipation. Ideal machines have no friction or resistance, allowing them to perform work without any loss of energy.
Friction can reduce a machine's efficiency by causing energy loss in the form of heat and sound. This can result in increased wear and tear on the machine, leading to reduced performance and potentially higher energy consumption. Minimizing friction through lubrication and proper maintenance can help improve a machine's efficiency.
Energy is typically wasted in a washing machine through heat loss from the heating element, inefficient water usage, and from running the machine with less than a full load. Improving these aspects can help reduce energy wastage in washing machines.
Energy conversion in a washing machine involves transforming electrical energy from the power source into mechanical energy to drive the motor that agitates and spins the drum. This mechanical energy is further converted into kinetic energy to move and clean the clothes inside the machine. Additionally, some energy is converted into heat energy to warm the water for washing.
An ideal machine is one that operates with 100% efficiency, meaning that all input energy is converted into useful work output without any energy loss. An example could be a hypothetical machine that requires no external energy input to perform its tasks. However, in reality, achieving 100% efficiency is not possible due to factors such as friction and heat loss.
The machine would have 100% efficiency if the input work is equal to its output. This means that all the input energy is fully converted into useful output energy without any loss.
energy is usually lost through heat, urine, faeces, perspiration and growth/development.