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starting from absolute zero, even twice as much water as the tea would contain more heat. Even starting at 0 Celsius underwater volcanoes would heat water far beyond boiling. On a percentage of heat the tea would win.

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1mo ago

A cup of hot tea has more heat than the ocean because it is at a higher temperature than the ocean water. The temperature of the ocean water is relatively stable compared to a hot cup of tea, which can vary depending on how recently it was brewed or heated.

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Q: Which has more heat the ocean or a cup of hot tea?
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Which object has more heat energy a hot cup or a cold cup why?

The hot cup has more heat energy because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object. The hot cup has higher temperature, meaning its particles are moving faster, and therefore have more heat energy compared to the cold cup.

Does a cup of hot water have more heat that a pail of hot water?

Not necessarily. The amount of heat in a cup of hot water and a pail of hot water depends on factors like their temperature, volume, and material. In general, a pail of hot water will likely have more heat than a cup of hot water due to its larger volume and higher overall energy content.

When you feel the heat from a hot cup is that conduction?

Yes, feeling the heat from a hot cup is an example of conduction. Heat is transferred through direct contact between the hot cup and your hand.

How conduction is used in a hot cup?

In a hot cup, conduction is the transfer of heat from the hot liquid to the cup itself. The heat is conducted through the material of the cup, warming up the surface that we touch. This is why the cup feels warm to the touch when filled with a hot liquid.

How did the rate of heat loss from the hot cup change during the experiment?

The rate of heat loss from the hot cup likely decreased over time as the temperature of the cup approached that of the surroundings. Initially, when the cup was hot, the rate of heat loss would have been higher due to the temperature difference between the cup and the surroundings. As the cup cooled down and approached equilibrium with the room temperature, the rate of heat loss would have reduced.

Related questions

Which object has more heat energy a hot cup or a cold cup why?

The hot cup has more heat energy because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object. The hot cup has higher temperature, meaning its particles are moving faster, and therefore have more heat energy compared to the cold cup.

Does a cup of hot water have more heat that a pail of hot water?

Not necessarily. The amount of heat in a cup of hot water and a pail of hot water depends on factors like their temperature, volume, and material. In general, a pail of hot water will likely have more heat than a cup of hot water due to its larger volume and higher overall energy content.

When you feel the heat from a hot cup is that conduction?

Yes, feeling the heat from a hot cup is an example of conduction. Heat is transferred through direct contact between the hot cup and your hand.

How conduction is used in a hot cup?

In a hot cup, conduction is the transfer of heat from the hot liquid to the cup itself. The heat is conducted through the material of the cup, warming up the surface that we touch. This is why the cup feels warm to the touch when filled with a hot liquid.

The rate of heat loss from the hot cup change during the experiment answer?

The rate of heat loss from the hot cup decreased during the experiment.

What can you add to a paper cup to keep hot drinks hot for longer?

The thermal conductivity decreases when a paper cup (or another paper cup) is added. Intuitively, the heat has to pass through more layers. This is Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction - lower thermal conductivity means less heat loss.

A hot cup of coffee loses heat faster than a warm cup Why doesnt the hot cup reach room temperature before the warm cup?

The hot cup loses heat faster, but only until it becomes a warm cup itself. Then it loses heat as the warm cup did at the beginning. However, by this point, the hot cup is warm, but the warm cup is now cooler too. Therefore, the warm cup will still become room temperature first.

Will a liquid remaine hot longer in a plastic cup or in a metal cup?

It depends on which one radiates heat fastest. Since plastics are generally poor heat conductors, you'd expect the plastic cup to cool more slowly. But a thin plasic cup, painted black, may radiate more heat than a very shiny metal cup.

How do you keep hot water hot in a cup?

try covering the glass, so the heat particles stay inside the cup, and the hot water stays hot.

Does a cup of hot tea or a picture of lemonade have more thermal energy?

A cup of hot tea has more thermal energy than a picture of lemonade because the hot tea has higher temperature compared to room temperature lemonade. Thermal energy is directly related to temperature, so the hotter the object, the more thermal energy it contains.

How did the rate of heat loss from the hot cup change during the experiment?

The rate of heat loss from the hot cup likely decreased over time as the temperature of the cup approached that of the surroundings. Initially, when the cup was hot, the rate of heat loss would have been higher due to the temperature difference between the cup and the surroundings. As the cup cooled down and approached equilibrium with the room temperature, the rate of heat loss would have reduced.

When you pick up a hot cup heat is transferrd from the cup to your hand primarlyby what?
