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The force of friction between the ocean wave and the sea floor causes the wave to slow down as it nears the shore. This frictional force results in the wave increasing in height and eventually breaking as it reaches shallow water.

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Q: Which force acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore causing it to act differently?
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Which force acts on a ocean wave as it nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force that acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore is called shoaling. Shoaling is the process where the wave interacts with the seafloor, causing the wave to slow down and increase in height. This is what causes waves to break as they approach the shore.

WHAT force acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force that acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore is called shoaling. Shoaling occurs when the wave encounters shallower water, causing the wave to slow down, increase in height, and change in shape. This change in wave behavior is due to the interaction between the wave and the ocean floor.

What force acts on a ocean wave as its nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force of friction between the wave and the seabed as the wave approaches the shore causes it to slow down and increase in height. This interaction, known as wave shoaling, leads to changes in the wave's characteristics, such as height, speed, and steepness.

How does an ocean vessel float but not a nail?

An ocean vessel has a larger surface area compared to its weight, allowing it to displace enough water to generate buoyant force and float. In contrast, a nail has a smaller surface area relative to its weight, causing it to sink in water due to insufficient buoyant force.

Can waves move objects over a distance?

If you are talking about waves in an ocean or "sea swells" yes they can, the water is moving and their fore apply the force it has (kinetic) and transfers a VERY small part of that to the object. Therefore causing momentum.

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Which force acts on a ocean wave as it nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force that acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore is called shoaling. Shoaling is the process where the wave interacts with the seafloor, causing the wave to slow down and increase in height. This is what causes waves to break as they approach the shore.

WHAT force acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force that acts on an ocean wave as it nears the shore is called shoaling. Shoaling occurs when the wave encounters shallower water, causing the wave to slow down, increase in height, and change in shape. This change in wave behavior is due to the interaction between the wave and the ocean floor.

What force acts on a ocean wave as its nears the shore causing it to act differently?

The force of friction between the wave and the seabed as the wave approaches the shore causes it to slow down and increase in height. This interaction, known as wave shoaling, leads to changes in the wave's characteristics, such as height, speed, and steepness.

Is the Atlantic ocean wavy?

Like all large bodies of water, the Atlantic Ocean can be extremely stormy, with gale force winds causing huge waves.

What is the duration of Ocean Force?

The duration of Ocean Force is 1800.0 seconds.

When was Ocean Force created?

Ocean Force was created on 2007-08-27.

How does an ocean vessel float but not a nail?

An ocean vessel has a larger surface area compared to its weight, allowing it to displace enough water to generate buoyant force and float. In contrast, a nail has a smaller surface area relative to its weight, causing it to sink in water due to insufficient buoyant force.

In Herman Melville and Moby-Dick what happens to the boat carrying Ahab when it nears Moby-Dick?

When Ahab's boat nears Moby-Dick, the whale attacks it, causing fiery destruction and chaos. Ahab is thrown from the boat and entangled in the harpoon lines, ultimately leading to his demise as he is dragged into the ocean by the whale.

What is duration of the ocean?

The duration of Ocean Force is 1800.0 seconds.

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This process is known as delta formation. Deltas are formed when a river flows into a body of water, causing the flow to slow down and deposit sediment carried by the river. The sediment is then deposited in a triangular shape, creating a landform known as a delta.

What is the driving force of deep-ocean circulation?

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