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Standoff distance is intended to prevent sympathetic detonation between two operating buildings containing explosives. It is the minimum distance required to ensure that accidentally detonating explosives in one building will not cause a chain reaction leading to detonation of explosives in another building.

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Q: Which distance is intended to prevent sympathetic detonation between two operating buildings containing explosives?
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What is given off from a nuclear detonation?

A nuclear detonation releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat, light, and radiation. This can cause devastating damage to the surrounding area, including buildings and living organisms. Fallout, which is radioactive particles carried by the wind, can also be a hazard after a nuclear explosion.

What diameter of destruction is caused by a nuclear bomb?

The diameter of destruction caused by a nuclear bomb depends on various factors, including the type and yield of the bomb, the altitude of detonation, and the surrounding terrain. A typical nuclear bomb blast can destroy buildings and infrastructure within a radius of several miles, while the effects of radiation can impact a wider area.

How much damage in percent does the nuclear bomb do?

The damage caused by a nuclear bomb depends on factors such as its size, design, and location of detonation. It can range from localized destruction to widespread devastation, with impacts on buildings, infrastructure, and human lives. The percentage of damage can vary significantly based on these variables.

Damage of a nuclear bomb?

The damage of a nuclear bomb is catastrophic and wide-ranging, with effects including blast, heat, and radiation. The extent of damage depends on the size of the bomb and the proximity to the detonation, with potential for devastating destruction to buildings, infrastructure, and life in the immediate vicinity, as well as radiation contamination that can have long-lasting health effects. Emergency response plans and international treaties are in place to try to mitigate the impact of a nuclear bomb detonation.

Did the twin towers collapse quickly because of explosives?

No, the twin towers collapsed due to the impact of the airplanes, which caused structural damage and fires that weakened the buildings' support systems. There is no evidence to suggest that explosives were used to bring down the twin towers.

Related questions

What is the preferred method for cleaning floors in buildings that have contained explosives?

The preferred method for cleaning floors in buildings that have contained explosives is to use specialized equipment and techniques to minimize the risk of detonation. This may involve using non-sparking tools, conducting thorough risk assessments, and following strict safety protocols to ensure the area is properly decontaminated. It is recommended to consult with experts in explosives cleanup to ensure the process is done safely and effectively.

What are the uses for silver?

Silver is used in industries cars explosives coins and buildings.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using explosives?

An advantage of explosives is that they can demolish buildings during reconstruction. A disadvantage includes he possible deaths of thousands and millions of people.

Can you destroy a building?

Yes, buildings have been destroyed with nuclear weapons (find some photos of Hiroshima or Nagasaki Japan). Conventional explosives were used in WW 2 to bomb cities. Commercial explosives are used today in demolition to bring buildings down.

Post fire symbols on exterior and interior entrances to small rooms in buildings that are?

licensed for storing explosives

What is farmstead?

a farmatead is a farm containing buildings used for commercial agriculture

Would the world be abetter place if all explosives were banned?

No.....because if they banned explosives, then we will have no fireworks :( x :) More importantly, even outside of military use, explosives are critical for modern civilization. Explosives are used extensively in the mining for minerals, and in drilling and extraction of various fossil fuels. They are also used in both construction and demolition of buildings and other infrastructure. Making explosives illegal to use would make many of these tasks harder, more expensive, and often much more dangerous, and some tasks are simply not doable without using explosives.

What small building contains transformers and electrical equipment?

a substation go to is where i found the anser

How are explosives used in building?

They are used to demolish old unsafe buildings. They are also used in quarrying (open cast) to provide easier access to the minerals being mined.

Does acid containing sulfuric acid affect buildings?

If it OS pressurised, it might melt concrete and burn wood, but if not, probably not.

Who caused September 11 and why?

One Opinion (If you have an opposing view, please add to the bottom of this answer)The Americans had two planes crash into the twin towers, which apparently caused the buildings to collapse. The Americans blamed it on the Muslims - The Al-Qaeda. However, if you think about it, if a building was hit from the top how can it fall down? It can only fall down if there are explosives under the building; which there were. That is how normal buildings are demolished; by planting explosives under the buildings. The Americans are blaming it on Al-Qaeda, but how could Al-Qaeda plant explosives under the buildings? It was obviously the Americans.The Americans hate Muslims for some strange reason, and that's why they are doing anything they can do to hurt Muslims. For example, going to war with Iraq (just to sneak in oil for free), and going to war with Libya.The Muslims are being portrayed in a bad image, but in fact the Americans are the ones to blame for all this!Hope this helps :)

What are the key points of the 911 film Loose Change?

A main point of the file Loose Change is that the 9/11 attacks were a staged operation by the US government. One claim made was that the Twin Towers fell because of explosives placed in the buildings and not because of the planes crashing into the buildings.