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magnetic resonance imaging, MRI

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines use magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the brain. This technology is non-invasive and provides high-resolution images for diagnosing various neurological conditions.

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Q: Which diagnostic machines uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce images of the brain?
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Can all currents produce magnetic fields?


Why do solar flares produce strong disturbed magnetic fields?

Solar flares produce strong disturbed magnetic fields because they involve the rapid release of energy stored in the Sun's magnetic fields. This release of energy accelerates charged particles, which in turn generate intense magnetic fields due to their movement. The resulting disturbed magnetic fields can have various effects on Earth and its surrounding space environment.

What creates magnetic fields?

Magnetic fields are created by moving electric charges. When charged particles like electrons move, they generate magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can interact with each other and with other magnetic materials to produce various effects.

What are the three elements that produce a magnetic field?

The three elements that produce a magnetic field are electric currents, magnetic materials, and changing electric fields. These elements interact to generate magnetic fields and are fundamental to understanding electromagnetism.

How does magnets produce movement ina current carrying wire?

Faraday's Law states that magnetic fields produce a electric fields and vice versa. Also, Ampere's Law states that a change in magnetic fields w.r.t. time creates current.

What are two fields surround a moving electric charge?

A moving electric charge creates electric and magnetic fields around it. The electric field exerts a force on other charges, while the magnetic field causes the charge to experience a force in the presence of magnetic fields.

Can Heavy objects falling in Gravitational fields Produce Electromagnetic fields?

Yes if the moon fell on earth it would definetly produce a noticable magnetic field.

What are the four Maxwell's equation?

Gauss's law: Electric charges produce an electric field. Gauss's law for magnetism: There are no magnetic monopoles. Faraday's law: Time-varying magnetic fields produce an electric field. Ampère's law: Steady currents and time-varying electric fields produce a magnetic field.

What do magnets have to with electricity?

Faraday showed that a wire passing through a magnetic field will produce electricity. This is how a generator works. Many windings of wire on an armature spin in a magnetic field. This makes electricity.

What are magnetic fields?

They are areas where a magnetic force or pull is felt by an object or body which enters the area.

Why do electrical machines produce less noise than fuel run machines?

A fuel ran machine uses combustion to obtain power, which therefore creates noise, an electrical machine uses the magnetic fields of electricity to obtain power which in return is silent, and there is the reason for the difference.

Can you feel or hear the magnetic field?

No, humans cannot physically feel or hear a magnetic field. Magnetic fields are typically invisible and do not produce any sound that the human ear can detect. However, specialized equipment can detect and measure magnetic fields.