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Gravity acts to pull the object down, The forward velocity of the object is 0 m/s.

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Q: Which describes an object in projectile motion Check all that apply. Gravity acts to pull the object down. The object moves in a straight path. The forward velocity of the object is 0 ms. The object a?
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Is a projectile velocity the highest velocity that can be reached?

No, a projectile velocity is the initial velocity at which a projectile is launched. The highest velocity a projectile can reach depends on factors such as air resistance, gravity, and propulsion force. In some cases, the velocity of a projectile can increase or decrease after it is launched.

Which would be the best that describes why projectiles move in a curved path?

Projectiles move in a curved path due to a combination of their initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity. Gravity continuously acts on the projectile, causing it to follow a parabolic trajectory, even if it was given an initial velocity in a straight line.

What type of motion describes the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile follows uniform motion, meaning it moves at a constant velocity in the absence of air resistance or other forces. This motion is independent of the vertical motion of the projectile.

How can you throw a projectile so that it has zero speed at the top?

To have zero speed at the top, you need to throw the projectile with an initial velocity such that it reaches its maximum height at that point. This requires the initial velocity to be exactly equal to the velocity that would be attained due to gravity when the projectile falls from that height. The angle of projection should be such that the vertical component of the initial velocity cancels out the velocity due to gravity.

Which part of projectile motion is affected by gravity?

The vertical motion of a projectile is affected by gravity. Gravity acts to accelerate the projectile downward while it is in motion, causing its vertical velocity to increase or decrease accordingly.

Related questions

Is a projectile velocity the highest velocity that can be reached?

No, a projectile velocity is the initial velocity at which a projectile is launched. The highest velocity a projectile can reach depends on factors such as air resistance, gravity, and propulsion force. In some cases, the velocity of a projectile can increase or decrease after it is launched.

Which would be the best that describes why projectiles move in a curved path?

Projectiles move in a curved path due to a combination of their initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity. Gravity continuously acts on the projectile, causing it to follow a parabolic trajectory, even if it was given an initial velocity in a straight line.

What type of motion describes the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile follows uniform motion, meaning it moves at a constant velocity in the absence of air resistance or other forces. This motion is independent of the vertical motion of the projectile.

How can you throw a projectile so that it has zero speed at the top?

To have zero speed at the top, you need to throw the projectile with an initial velocity such that it reaches its maximum height at that point. This requires the initial velocity to be exactly equal to the velocity that would be attained due to gravity when the projectile falls from that height. The angle of projection should be such that the vertical component of the initial velocity cancels out the velocity due to gravity.

Which part of projectile motion is affected by gravity?

The vertical motion of a projectile is affected by gravity. Gravity acts to accelerate the projectile downward while it is in motion, causing its vertical velocity to increase or decrease accordingly.

What are the factors which determine the distance that a projectile will travel?

Factors that determine the distance a projectile will travel include the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle of projection, air resistance, gravity, and the mass and shape of the projectile. Higher initial velocity, lower air resistance, a shallow angle of projection, and a projectile with less mass and streamlined shape tend to result in longer distances.

What angle for firing projectiles gives longest time?

45 degrees to the horizontal will give the maximum flight time for a projectile. If a projectile was fired at 90 degrees to the horizontal, (straight upwards) the projectile will go straight upwards (ignoring the shape, form and aerodynamic properties of the projectile). Likewise if you were to fire a projectile at 0 degrees to the horizontal, the projectile would follow said course, IF gravity was not in effect; a projectile needs some form of vertical velocity to overcome gravity. Hence why 45 degrees will give you the longest distance and consequently flight time.

How can the horizontal velocity of a projectile be described?

The horizontal velocity of a projectile remains constant if there is no air resistance or external forces acting horizontally. This means that the horizontal component of the projectile's velocity does not change throughout its trajectory, only its vertical component is affected by gravity.

What are factors that affects the range of a projectile?

The factors that affect the range of a projectile include the initial velocity, the angle of launch, air resistance, and gravity. Increasing the initial velocity and launching the projectile at a shallower angle can increase the range, while air resistance and gravity can decrease the range.

What is the trajectory of a projectile having velocity greater than escape velocity?

It will eventually straighten out as it escapes gravity.

What happens to a projectile in the absence of air friction?

In the absence of air friction, a projectile will follow a predictable parabolic trajectory determined by its initial velocity and launch angle. The projectile will continue to move freely in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force like gravity.

What is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity a. horizontal velocity b. directrix c. vertical velocity d. projectile motion?

d. projectile motion