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The special object is kept in a secure and designated location during the night to ensure its safety and prevent any unauthorized access. Additionally, security measures such as alarms or guards may be employed to protect the object further.

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Q: Where is the special object kept during the night?
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Where is the gurdwara special object kept at day and night?


Where is the special object kept?

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What is the special object kept in gurdwara?

It is the golden shabiki,known as the vwntuyile.Every object in the Gurdwara is special, but the most special would be the Guru Granth Sahib, which is the Sikh Holy Book. It is considered to be the 11th Guru.

Where is the golden shabiki kept during night?

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What is the special is kept in the gurdwara?

It is the golden shabiki,known as the vwntuyile.Every object in the Gurdwara is special, but the most special would be the Guru Granth Sahib, which is the Sikh Holy Book. It is considered to be the 11th Guru.

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