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The energy we use comes from various sources, including fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas), renewable sources (such as solar, wind, and hydropower), and nuclear power. These sources are converted into electricity or other forms of energy for use in homes, businesses, and transportation.

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Q: Where does the energy we use come from?
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Where does the energy you use come from?

the sun, photosynthesis

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Radiation, conduction, and convection come to mind . . .

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Most clocks use electrical energy, which can come from either batteries or an electrical outlet. Some clocks, such as wind-up or pendulum clocks, use mechanical energy stored in springs or weights.

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The only way to preserve them is not to use them, but it's more sensible to go on using them (which we will do come what may), but to use them more economically, and to use renewable energy where possible

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Plants use sunlight as the primary source of energy to carry out photosynthesis. The sunlight is absorbed by pigments in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where the light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

Where does most of the energy you use come from?

Energy human's get daily is derived from food. Food rich in carbohydrates provide more energy to sustain humans each day.