

Where does sound come from on a mbira?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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12y ago

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Sound on a mbira comes from its metal keys or tines being plucked with the thumbs or fingers. The keys are attached to a wooden soundboard that amplifies the vibrations produced when they are plucked, creating the distinct sound of the mbira.

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If a person is in front of a smooth surface from which a sound is reflected where does the sound appear to come from?

The sound would be reflected and seem to come from behind the reflective surface. This is commonly experienced near airports, where the sound of aircraft appears to come from the opposite direction, instead of from the airport.

How long does a sound take to come back as an echo?

The time it takes for a sound to come back as an echo depends on the distance between the sound source and the reflecting surface. Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air, so you can roughly calculate the time by dividing the total distance the sound travels (to the reflecting surface and back) by the speed of sound.

From which type of energy does the sound of a cymbal come from?

The sound of a cymbal comes from mechanical energy. When the cymbal is struck, it vibrates and creates sound waves in the air, which we perceive as sound.

Can sound waves come in color?

No, sound waves cannot come in color as color is a property of light waves, not sound waves. Sound waves are vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air, while light waves are electromagnetic radiation that our eyes perceive as color.

Where did sound waves come from?

Sound waves are created when an object vibrates, causing the air particles around it to also vibrate and carry the sound energy in the form of waves through the air. These waves travel in all directions and can be detected by our ears.