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When you rub two objects together, electrons are transferred between the two objects. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

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Q: When you rub two objects together which object is positively charged and negatively charged?
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How do positively charged objects differ from negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects have an excess of protons compared to electrons, while negatively charged objects have an excess of electrons compared to protons. These imbalances in charge cause positively charged objects to attract negatively charged objects and repel other positively charged objects, and vice versa for negatively charged objects.

What happens when a negatively charged objects and a positively charged object are brought together?

When a negatively charged object and a positively charged object are brought together, they will attract each other due to their opposite charges. Electrons from the negatively charged object will move towards the positively charged object, equalizing the charge distribution between the two objects. This exchange of electrons will cause the objects to neutralize each other's charge.

What is the formation of positively and negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects gain electrons to become negatively charged. Negatively charged objects lose electrons to become positively charged. This exchange of electrons creates an imbalance of positive and negative charges, leading to the attraction between the objects.

Do negatively charged objects repel positively charged objects?

Yes, negatively charged objects and positively charged objects will repel each other due to the opposite charge. This is known as the principle of electrostatic repulsion.

What does a positive charged object repel?

A positively charged object will repel other positively charged objects. Additionally, it will attract negatively charged objects.

Related questions

How do positively charged objects differ from negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects have an excess of protons compared to electrons, while negatively charged objects have an excess of electrons compared to protons. These imbalances in charge cause positively charged objects to attract negatively charged objects and repel other positively charged objects, and vice versa for negatively charged objects.

What can negatively charged objects?

Negatively charged objects can attract positively charged objects, repel other negatively charged objects, and cause static electricity buildup.

What is the formation of positively and negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects gain electrons to become negatively charged. Negatively charged objects lose electrons to become positively charged. This exchange of electrons creates an imbalance of positive and negative charges, leading to the attraction between the objects.

What happens when a negatively charged objects and a positively charged object are brought together?

When a negatively charged object and a positively charged object are brought together, they will attract each other due to their opposite charges. Electrons from the negatively charged object will move towards the positively charged object, equalizing the charge distribution between the two objects. This exchange of electrons will cause the objects to neutralize each other's charge.

Do negatively charged objects repel positively charged objects?

Yes, negatively charged objects and positively charged objects will repel each other due to the opposite charge. This is known as the principle of electrostatic repulsion.

What does a positive charged object repel?

A positively charged object will repel other positively charged objects. Additionally, it will attract negatively charged objects.

2.Positively charged objects can only attract objects that are negatively charged?

Any charged object weather positively charged or negatively charged will have an attractive interaction with a neutral object. Neutral objects do not attract or repel each other.

A positive charged object will what?

A positively charged object will attract negatively charged objects and repel other positively charged objects due to the electrostatic force between charged particles.

How does objects become positively and negatively charged?

By loosing and gaining an electron.

What will happen to the positively charged balloon ad a soft drink can?

The positively charged balloon and a soft drink can will pull negatively charged objects towards them

Are neutral attracted to or repelled by positively and negatively charged objects?

Neutral objects are neither attracted nor repelled by positively or negatively charged objects. This is because neutral objects have an equal number of positive and negative charges, resulting in no net charge and hence no interaction with charged objects.

What is the law states that 'like charges repel and unlike charges attract'?

This statement is part of Coulomb's Law, which quantifies the electrostatic force between two charged objects. It states that two positively charged objects will repel each other, as well as two negatively charged objects. Positively and negatively charged objects will attract each other.