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the metal object becomes a temporary magnet

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago

When you rub a magnet with metal, the metal object becomes temporarily magnetized. This happens because the atoms in the metal align with the magnetic field of the magnet. However, once the magnet is removed, the metal object loses its magnetism.

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Q: When you rub a magnet with metal what happens to the metal object?
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How to make a magnet?

To make a magnet, you can rub a piece of iron or steel with a permanent magnet. This aligns the magnetic domains in the material, making it magnetic. You can also create an electromagnet by wrapping a wire around an iron core and passing an electric current through the wire.

What happens when you rub a needle on a magnet?

Rubbing a needle on a magnet will align the domains within the needle in the same direction as the magnetic field of the magnet. This causes the needle to become magnetized and exhibit magnetic properties itself.

How do you magnatize something?

You can magnetize something by exposing it to a magnetic field, such as by rubbing it with a magnet or by using an electromagnet. This aligns the magnetic domains within the material, creating a magnetic field in the material itself.

How can an unmagnetized object become magnetized?

An unmagnetized object can become magnetized by exposing it to a magnetic field. The external magnetic field aligns the magnetic domains within the object in the same direction, creating a net magnetic field. Once the external magnetic field is removed, the object retains some level of magnetization, becoming a magnet.

How do you make a temporary magnet?

To make a temporary magnet, you can rub a piece of iron or steel with a permanent magnet. This process aligns the magnetic domains in the material, creating a temporary magnetic field. To enhance the temporary magnetism, you can increase the number of times you rub the material with the permanent magnet.

Related questions

How is magnetizing an object the opposite of demagnetizing a magnet?

Magnetizing an object involves aligning the magnetic domains within the material to create a magnetic field, whereas demagnetizing a magnet disrupts the alignment of these domains, decreasing or eliminating the magnetic field. Essentially, magnetizing increases the magnetism of an object, while demagnetizing decreases it.

How do you make a temporary magnet without electricity?

You can make a temporary magnet by rubbing a piece of iron or steel with a permanent magnet. This aligns the domains in the material, creating a magnetic field. However, this magnetism will fade over time as the domains become disorganized again.

How can you create imagenetion?

Rub a magnet with another metal...

How do you create magnets?

rub metal in one direction repeatadly on a magnet

How make a magnet?

Making a magnet is very simple. We need : 1. an iron nail or any other long iron object 2. a magnet METHOD: Rub the magnet on the iron nail in one direction. Then lift it and repeat the action . Repeat this series of action 30-50 times. the iron object will turn into a magnet. But it will not become a strong magnet CAUTION: While rubbing the magnet with the iron object, we need to rub it with the same pole on one side

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How to make a magnet?

To make a magnet, you can rub a piece of iron or steel with a permanent magnet. This aligns the magnetic domains in the material, making it magnetic. You can also create an electromagnet by wrapping a wire around an iron core and passing an electric current through the wire.

What Often happens when you rub one object with the other object?

Both objects get warmer, through friction.

What happens when you rub a needle on a magnet?

Rubbing a needle on a magnet will align the domains within the needle in the same direction as the magnetic field of the magnet. This causes the needle to become magnetized and exhibit magnetic properties itself.

What happens if you rub a magnet in a cassette?

Rubbing a magnet on a cassette can potentially erase the magnetic information stored on the tape, causing loss of data or recording. Magnets can interfere with the magnetic particles on the tape, altering or erasing the recorded content. It's best to keep magnets away from cassette tapes to avoid damaging them.

How does something become temporarily magnetized?

if you rub metal up against a magnet for a long enough period of time it will become temporarily magnetized.

How do you do magnatism?

you rub anything metal on a magnet (a paperclip) and its magnetises it (for awhile any ways) but if you add a electric circut you have a electromagnet to turn on or off. you rub anything metal on a magnet (a paperclip) and its magnetises it (for awhile any ways) but if you add a electric circut you have a electromagnet to turn on or off. this answer is by a 14 year old boy at chillhowiee middle school j.a