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When you push a box across the floor, it experiences a frictional force that opposes its motion. This frictional force arises from the interactions between the box and the floor. Additionally, the box may also experience air resistance, depending on the surrounding environment.

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Q: When you push box across the floor what does it experience?
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When you push a box across the floor what does the box experience?

The box experiences a push force in the direction you are pushing it. It also experiences frictional forces opposing its motion due to contact with the floor. Additionally, there may be other forces acting on the box depending on the environment, such as air resistance.

Why is it harder to push a box across a carpet floor than a smooth floor?

Because of the friction in the carpet fibers.

What causes a box you are pushing across the floor to stop when to stop pushing?

Static Friction

What kind of fiction makes it hard for you to push a box across the floor?

It's difficult to imagine such a fiction.

Is it easier to push a box of books across a floor if the is of made wood?

yes, because it has a smooth surface

What form of energy is being used when a heavy box is pushed across the floor?

The energy being used to push a heavy box across the floor is mechanical energy. The person pushing the box is converting their own muscular energy into kinetic energy to move the box.

When you slide a box across the floor what force must your push be stronger than?

The force of friction between the box and the floor. This force opposes the motion of the box and must be overcome by the pushing force to make the box slide.

When you push a box across floor n the box resists your push what horizontal force is resisting you?

The horizontal force resisting your push when you push a box across a floor is the force of friction between the box and the floor. This force acts in the opposite direction to the direction in which you are pushing the box.

When a box is being pushed across a floor what acts between the box and the floor?

kinetic friction

How many ways can you think of to move a large heavy box across the floor?

you can push pull slide drag lift use a cart some tools

If someone is sliding a box across the floor what does he need to know to calculate the force of the box?

To calculate the force of the box being slid across the floor, the person needs to know the mass of the box and the acceleration of the box. Using the equation F = ma (force equals mass times acceleration), the person can determine the force required to slide the box across the floor.

Is pushing a box across the floor until it stops a unbalanced or balanced force?

Pushing a box across the floor until it stops involves unbalanced forces. The force of your push overcomes the force of friction between the box and the floor, causing the box to accelerate. Once you stop pushing, the force of friction eventually brings the box to a stop.