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When you jerk your hand away from a hot stove, you are activating your body's reflex arc. This involves sensory neurons detecting the heat and sending a signal to your spinal cord. The spinal cord then sends a signal to your muscle cells, causing them to contract and move your hand away from the source of heat without conscious thought.

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Q: When you jerk your hand away from a hot stove you are activating your system?
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Where does the message go first when you put your hand on a hot stove?

When you put your hand on a hot stove, the message of pain is first transmitted from the sensory receptors in your skin to your spinal cord before being sent to your brain for processing. This rapid response is to protect your body from harm by signaling you to move your hand away from the source of heat.

When your hand touches a hot stove you immediately and reflexively pull it away This action was controlled by what?

This action was controlled by your nervous system's reflex arc. Sensory neurons in your hand detected the heat and sent signals to your spinal cord, which then activated motor neurons to quickly retract your hand, bypassing the brain to allow for a faster response to potential danger.

What is the kind of heat you feel when you touch a hot stove?

The heat you feel when you touch a hot stove is conducted heat, which occurs when your hand comes into direct contact with the hot surface of the stove. Heat energy transfers from the stove to your hand through the process of conduction.

Why is burning your hand on the stove an example of conduction?

Burning your hand on the stove is an example of conduction because heat is transferred from the hot stove directly to your hand through physical contact. The molecules in the stove transfer their kinetic energy to the molecules in your hand, causing it to heat up and burn.

If you touch a hot stove what happens?

If you touch a hot stove, you will likely experience burning pain due to the heat. This happens because the high temperature of the stove causes damage to your skin cells, resulting in a burn. It is important to immediately remove your hand from the stove, run it under cold water, and seek medical attention if the burn is severe.

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When you jerk your hand away from a hot stove you are activating your?

nervouse system

When you jerk your hand away from a hot stove you are activating your what?

You are activating your reflex response, specifically the withdrawal reflex. This reflex is an automatic response to protect your body from harm.

When you touch a hot pan on the stove with your hand you quickly move your hand away your hands movement is the?

its a reaction....

If you were to put your hand on the stove what system would react?

Your nervous system would react almost immediately to the intense heat from the stove, sending signals to your brain that you are in pain. This triggers a reflex action causing you to withdraw your hand quickly to prevent further harm.

A cook touches a hot stove and quickly moves his hand away What are the two primary body systems that work together to produce this response?

This involves your nervous and muscular systems. When you tough the hot pan, a sensory neuron (nerve cell) will send a message to your central nervous system, which will relay the message through a motor neuron to your muscles to then contract your muscles and pull your hand off the hot stove.

Why does your hand get hotter when you put it above a stove?

Because the heat from the stove rises to your hand and makes your hand hotter.

Is the sudden withdrawal of ones hand from a hot stove a reflex?

The reflex action of burning your hand would be jerking your hand away from the source of the heat

What are the sequence of events that occur within the nervous system from the point you touched the hot stove with your hand to the point you jerked your hand away from the stove?

1. Sensory Receptors detect danger(eg. hot stove in this case) 2. Signal is sent through a sensory neuron to the spinal cord 3.Interneuron in the spinal cord relays the message to the motor neuron 4.Motor neuron sends a message to the effector(eg. muscle) 5. Hand jerks away Sensory neuron also sends a sinal to the brain. Sensation of the evernt is detected continuosly but usually after the defensive action has been taken.

Where does the message go first when you put your hand on a hot stove?

When you put your hand on a hot stove, the message of pain is first transmitted from the sensory receptors in your skin to your spinal cord before being sent to your brain for processing. This rapid response is to protect your body from harm by signaling you to move your hand away from the source of heat.

When your hand touches a hot stove you immediately and reflexively pull it away This action was controlled by what?

This action was controlled by your nervous system's reflex arc. Sensory neurons in your hand detected the heat and sent signals to your spinal cord, which then activated motor neurons to quickly retract your hand, bypassing the brain to allow for a faster response to potential danger.

If you put your hand over a stove is that radiation?

No, putting your hand over a stove is not an example of radiation. The heat you feel from the stove is due to conduction, where heat is transferred through physical contact between the stove and your hand. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, like the heat you feel from the sun.

How does a brain respond to a message?

It will either note the incoming bit of information or it will cause a response. For example: that stove is hot and move that hand away with those muscles.