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When you blow air into a deflated balloon, the pressure from the air molecules pushes against the walls of the balloon, causing it to inflate and take on a round shape. The elastic material of the balloon allows it to expand and hold the air inside, maintaining its round shape until the pressure inside and outside the balloon equalizes.

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Q: When you blew air into a deflated balloon it will became round why?
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Hydrogen or helium are used. As they are lighter than air that's why they float in air when filled in a balloon. Also, sometimes oxygen and carbon dioxide from your lungs, if you blew the balloon up with your mouth.

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Suppose you blow up a balloon and then place in the freezer later you find that the balloon has shurnk and has drops of frozen liquid in it?

with the removal of its heat energy, the air in the balloon became denser so it occupied less space. That's why it shrank.. the frozen liquid was the moisture from the air.. e.g. when warm air hits cool glass, the moisture droplets separate from the air and settle on the glass.. the same thing happened with your balloon the only difference was that your water froze...

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