Not invented. Natural element, been around as long as the universe has existed.
Edward Teller is known for his work in the development of the hydrogen bomb, also known as the fusion bomb. He played a key role in the creation of this powerful nuclear weapon during the Cold War.
The first known jetpack was invented in 1919 by the Russian inventor Aleksandr Andreev. This early jetpack was called the “flying backpack” and used hydrogen peroxide as fuel. However, the modern concept of a jetpack that we are more familiar with today was developed in the 1960s.
Hydrogen is an atom that does not contain a neutron. It consists of only one proton in its nucleus and no neutrons.
You are an atom of heavy hydrogen, or deuterium. Most hydrogen has one proton and one electron, which form a neutral atom. But once in a while, a neutron will stick to the proton, and then the atom, which is still hydrogen (it has just the one proton) will be about twice as massive as "regular" or "common" hydrogen. It is another isotope of hydrogen called heavy hydrogen or deuterium.
Hydrogen alone is a gas and cannot fly. However, hydrogen gas can be used as a lifting gas in balloons or airships, which enables them to fly.
Nobody invented Hydrogen but Henry Cavendish is credited with discovering it in 1766 but Antoine Lavoiser is the one who named it in 1783
The Hydrogen Bomb .
The hydrogen bomb was invented by a team of American scientists led by Edward Teller. The first successful test of the hydrogen bomb was conducted by the United States in 1952.
Los Alamos, NM.
invented in 1952
To use less oil
Hydrogen was discovered by English scientist Henry Cavendish in 1766. He isolated hydrogen by reacting metals with acids and observed that it produced a flammable gas.
he invented the hydrogen air balloon
Professor Jacques Charles invented hydrogen balloons in 1783.
Water was not invented in a laboratory as it is a naturally occurring compound made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.