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Momentum is defined as a vector quantity; this means that the direction matters. Only if it is defined as a vector quantity do you have something called "conservation of momentum", which makes it very interesting for physics.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago

When two objects move in opposite directions, they will have equal magnitudes of momentum but opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity with direction. The object moving in one direction will have positive momentum, while the object moving in the opposite direction will have negative momentum. The total momentum of the system remains conserved.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

velocity is a vector with speed and direction and momentum is mass times velocity. Since velocity is in opposite directions one is positive and the other is negative, moving the other way

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Q: When two object is move in opposite direction one will have positive and other have negative momentum why?
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How can an object have negative momentum?

An object can have negative momentum if it is moving in the opposite direction to a chosen positive direction. Momentum is a vector quantity that considers both the mass and velocity of an object, so moving in the opposite direction as chosen positive direction can result in negative momentum.

What is the difference between positive and negative momentum?

Positive momentum indicates an increase in an object's speed or movement in a particular direction. Negative momentum, on the other hand, represents a decrease in speed or movement in the opposite direction. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning that its direction matters in defining positive or negative momentum.

Why two objects move in opposite direction one will have positive momentum and other negative momentum?

When two objects move in opposite directions, their momenta have opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity. One object will have positive momentum in the direction it is moving, while the other will have negative momentum in the opposite direction. This is due to the conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant.

How do you find the total momentum of 2 objects moving at the same speed in opposite directions?

To find the total momentum, you add the momentum of both objects. Since they are moving in opposite directions, you should consider one momentum as negative to account for the opposite direction. Mathematically, you can calculate total momentum by adding the individual momenta together.

Can momentum have a negative velocity?

Yes, momentum can have a negative velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. A negative velocity indicates that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the chosen coordinate system, resulting in momentum with a negative velocity component.

Related questions

How can an object have negative momentum?

An object can have negative momentum if it is moving in the opposite direction to a chosen positive direction. Momentum is a vector quantity that considers both the mass and velocity of an object, so moving in the opposite direction as chosen positive direction can result in negative momentum.

What is the difference between positive and negative momentum?

Positive momentum indicates an increase in an object's speed or movement in a particular direction. Negative momentum, on the other hand, represents a decrease in speed or movement in the opposite direction. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning that its direction matters in defining positive or negative momentum.

Why two objects move in opposite direction one will have positive momentum and other negative momentum?

When two objects move in opposite directions, their momenta have opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity. One object will have positive momentum in the direction it is moving, while the other will have negative momentum in the opposite direction. This is due to the conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant.

How do you find the total momentum of 2 objects moving at the same speed in opposite directions?

To find the total momentum, you add the momentum of both objects. Since they are moving in opposite directions, you should consider one momentum as negative to account for the opposite direction. Mathematically, you can calculate total momentum by adding the individual momenta together.

Can momentum have a negative velocity?

Yes, momentum can have a negative velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. A negative velocity indicates that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the chosen coordinate system, resulting in momentum with a negative velocity component.

Is the momentum of an object always positive?

No, the momentum of an object can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the direction and velocity of the object. Momentum is a vector quantity that takes into account both an object's mass and its velocity.

Is a net loss a negative or a positive?

You can consider any direction as positive, and the opposite direction as negative. However, in this case it is customary to call a gain "positive", and a loss "negative".

Can a speed of a body be negative?

The 'speed' of a body cannot be negative. But if you are stating the 'velocity' then it can be negative. Negative velocity means it is going opposite to the direction that you decided to call the positive direction.

When does latitude become negative?

If you define one direction (for example, north) as positive, then the opposite direction is negative.

What can have positive or negative value depending on the direction of the change in position?

Velocity can have positive or negative value depending on the direction of the change in position. Positive velocity indicates motion in one direction, while negative velocity indicates motion in the opposite direction.

Why current flowing from positive to negative?

because current flows in the opposite direction of the flow of electron.since electrons are negatively charged particle they moves towards the positive and hence current flows in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons (that is from positive to negative)

What is the physical meaning of a negative average velocity?

A negative average velocity indicates that an object is moving in the opposite direction of the chosen positive direction. For example, a negative average velocity would mean the object is moving left if the positive direction is considered right.