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When the wavelength of spectral lines emitted from an object decreases, it moves towards the violet end of the visible light spectrum. This is known as a blueshift, indicating that the object emitting the light is moving towards Earth.

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Q: When the wavelength of spectral lines emitted from an object decreases which end of the visible light spectrum does it move toward and what is the objects motion relative to earth?
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When the wavelength of the spectral line emitted from an object decreases which end of the visible light spectrum does it move toward and what is the object's motion relative to Earth?

If the wavelength decreases, the spectral line moves towards the blue end of the visible light spectrum. This phenomenon is known as blue shift, indicating that the object is moving towards Earth.

When the wavelength of spectral emitted from an objectincreases which end of the visiblelight spectrum does ti move toward and what is the objects motion relative to earth?

When the wavelength of spectral light emitted from an object increases, it moves towards the red end of the visible light spectrum, also known as the redshift. This indicates that the object is moving away from Earth.

Why the distances between the lines for the hydrogen spectrum decreases with the decrease in wavelength?

The distances between lines in the hydrogen spectrum decrease with decreasing wavelength because the energy levels in hydrogen are quantized, meaning they can only exist at certain discrete values. As the wavelength decreases, the energy difference between adjacent levels also decreases, resulting in lines being closer together in the spectrum.

As the wavelength of a wave increases on the electromagnetic spectrum what happens to the energy of the wave?

As a wavelength increases in size, its frequency and energy (E) decrease.

How are frequency and wavelength related for the spesific region of the spectrum?

In the electromagnetic spectrum, frequency and wavelength are inversely related. As frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This means that in a specific region of the spectrum, if one parameter increases, the other must decrease to maintain the constant speed of light.

Related questions

When the wavelength of a spectral line emitted from an object decreaseswhich end of the visible light spectrum does it move towardand what is the objects motion relative to earth?

When the wavelength decreases, that's known as a "blue shift", becausethe color of any visible light shifts toward the blue end of the spectrum.That phenomenon is associated with a light source that's moving TOWARDthe observer.

A spectral line that appears at a wavelength of 321 nm in the laboratory appears at a wavelength of 328 nm in the spectrum of a distant obect we say that the object's spectrum is?

A spectral line that appears at a wavelength of 321 nm in the laboratory appears at a wavelength of 328 nm in the spectrum of a distant object. We say that the object's spectrum is red shifted.

Why the distances between the lines for the hydrogen spectrum decreases with the decrease in wavelength?

The distances between lines in the hydrogen spectrum decrease with decreasing wavelength because the energy levels in hydrogen are quantized, meaning they can only exist at certain discrete values. As the wavelength decreases, the energy difference between adjacent levels also decreases, resulting in lines being closer together in the spectrum.

What is the second longest wavelength in the absorption spectrum of hydrogen?

The second longest wavelength in the absorption spectrum of hydrogen corresponds to the transition from the n=2 to n=4 energy levels. This transition produces a spectral line known as the H-alpha line, which falls in the red part of the visible spectrum at a wavelength of 656.3 nm.

What is a radio wave's relative wavelength and frequency compared to other waves in the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum?

Radio waves are the lowest frequency (and therefore longest wavelength) waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

How does the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation change as its frequency decreases?

As the frequency of electromagnetic radiation decreases, its wavelength increases. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in electromagnetic waves, as defined by the equation speed = frequency x wavelength. A lower frequency corresponds to a longer wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

When the wavelength of a spectral line emitted from an object increases which end of the visible light spectrum does not move toward and what is the objects motion relative to earth?

Increasing wavelength is an indication of a Doppler shift caused by an object moving away from the viewer. Longer wavelengths (of the visible spectrum) are redder, shorter wavelengths are bluer. Objects moving away from you have a red shift, objects moving toward you have a blue shift.

As you move from left to right across the electromagnetic spectrum in the image the wavelength becomes?

Shorter. The wavelength of electromagnetic waves decreases as you move from left to right across the spectrum, starting with radio waves and ending with gamma rays.

What was the largest wavelength?

As far as visible spectral lines are concerned, red has the largest wavelength. If we consider electromagnetic spectrum, then radio waves could be considered as longer wavelengths. Even longer are long waves.

What happens to the electromagnetic spectrum as you move from gamma to radio waves?

As you move from gamma rays to radio waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, the wavelength gets longer and the frequency decreases. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency, while radio waves have the longest wavelength and lowest frequency.

What is the best way to determine a galaxy's redshift?

Take a spectrum of the galaxy, and measure the difference in wavelength of spectral lines from the wavelengths of those same lines as measured in the laboratory

What is''spectral evidence?

what is spectral evidence Spectrum (spectral) refers to different frequencies of light associated with a substance.