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When the outward force due to fusion and radiation balances with the inward force of gravity, a star is said to be in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium. This balance between the forces maintains the star's stability and prevents it from collapsing or expanding uncontrollably.

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Q: When the outward force due to fusion and radiation balances with the inward force of gravity a star is said to be experiencing what?
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When the outward force due to fusion and radiation balances with the inward force of gravity a star is said to be experiencing?

hydrostatic equilibrium.

What does the equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity do?

The equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity in stars helps to maintain their stable structure and prevent collapse. In this delicate balance, the force of gravity pulls inward, while the radiation pressure generated by nuclear fusion in a star's core pushes outward, preventing the star from collapsing under its own weight.

What does the euilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity do?

The equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity in a star helps to maintain its stable size and temperature. This balance prevents the star from collapsing under its own gravity or expanding uncontrollably due to radiation pressure.

The heat which radiates outward from the Earth's surface is transformed into -wave radiation.?


How is energy transferred in the radiation zone?

In the radiation zone of a star, energy is transferred through electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons. These photons travel outward from the core of the star through the radiation zone, carrying thermal energy with them. This process allows the star to maintain its equilibrium by balancing the inward gravitational force with the outward pressure generated by this energy transfer.

Related questions

When the outward force due to fusion and radiation balances with the inward force of gravity a star is said to be experiencing?

hydrostatic equilibrium.

What does the equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity do?

The equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity in stars helps to maintain their stable structure and prevent collapse. In this delicate balance, the force of gravity pulls inward, while the radiation pressure generated by nuclear fusion in a star's core pushes outward, preventing the star from collapsing under its own weight.

What does the euilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity do?

The equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force of gravity in a star helps to maintain its stable size and temperature. This balance prevents the star from collapsing under its own gravity or expanding uncontrollably due to radiation pressure.

What does the equilibrium between the outward pressures of radiation and the force gravity do?

"While the star can produce energy, that keeps the star in balance - it keeps the star from collapsing. By the way, another outward force is the gas pressure, but that, by itself, is not enough to counteract the force of gravity in the case of a star."

What does the equilibruim between the outward pressures of radiaion and the force of gravity do?

The equilibrium between the outward pressure of radiation and the force of gravity in stars enables them to maintain their size and shape. This balance prevents the star from collapsing under its own gravity or expanding due to the radiation pressure, allowing it to remain stable over a long period of time.

What is the force that stops the sun from exploding?

The force that stops the sun from exploding is its own gravity, which creates pressure that balances the outward force of nuclear fusion occurring in the core. This delicate balance between gravity and pressure keeps the sun stable and prevents it from exploding.

Stellar equilibrium relies on fusion and gravity to maintain stars in their current form?

Yes, a stable star is in equilibrium, called hydrostatic equilibrium, when the outward pressure from heat caused by core fusion processes balances the inward pull of gravity. There are other factors which alter the form of stars such as their rotation or gravity from external sources such as a nearby mass.

How does energy transferred outward?


Stars balance there inside gravity by?

The inward force of gravity is counteracted by two outward forces: gas pressure, and radiation pressure. Once the star runs out of fuel, the radiation pressure stops, the gas pressure is no longer enough to counteract gravity, and the star collapses - into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole, depending on its mass.

Keeps objects orbiting a planet from flying off into space?

Gravity is what keeps objects in orbit around a planet from flying off into space. The gravitational pull between the planet and the objects creates a centripetal force that balances the outward motion, keeping them in a stable orbit.

How does the earth exchange energy with the universe?

Radiation. Mostly sunshine in, infrared radiation outward.

What is the energy moving outward from the sun called?
