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When the body falls freely towards the Earth, its total energy is constant. The body's kinetic energy increases as it gains speed, while its potential energy decreases as it moves closer to the Earth's surface. The sum of the body's kinetic and potential energy remains the same throughout the fall.

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Q: When the body falls freely towards the earth then its total energy?
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What happens to an apple potential energy as it falls toward the earth?

The potential energy of the apple decreases as it falls towards the earth due to a conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. This conversion occurs as gravitational potential energy is transformed into motion energy while the apple accelerates towards the ground.

As an object freely falls downwards what increases?

As an object freely falls downwards, its speed and kinetic energy increase due to the acceleration of gravity. At the same time, its potential energy decreases as it moves closer to the surface of the Earth.

Where is a situation when gravity causes a change in velocity?

One common example is when an object falls freely due to gravity. As the object accelerates towards the Earth, its velocity changes because gravity is constantly acting on it. The object's velocity increases as it falls towards the ground.

When an object falls freely to the ground its acceleration is uniform?

Yes, when an object falls freely due to gravity, its acceleration is uniform and equal to 9.8 m/s^2, directed towards the center of the Earth. This uniform acceleration is the result of the gravitational force acting on the object and is independent of the object's mass.

Why does an object accelerate when it falls toward as the earth's surface?

An object accelerates when it falls towards the Earth's surface due to the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity pulls the object towards the center of the Earth, causing it to increase in speed as it falls.

Related questions

What happens to an apple potential energy as it falls toward the earth?

The potential energy of the apple decreases as it falls towards the earth due to a conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. This conversion occurs as gravitational potential energy is transformed into motion energy while the apple accelerates towards the ground.

As an object freely falls downwards what increases?

As an object freely falls downwards, its speed and kinetic energy increase due to the acceleration of gravity. At the same time, its potential energy decreases as it moves closer to the surface of the Earth.

Where is a situation when gravity causes a change in velocity?

One common example is when an object falls freely due to gravity. As the object accelerates towards the Earth, its velocity changes because gravity is constantly acting on it. The object's velocity increases as it falls towards the ground.

When an object falls freely to the ground its acceleration is uniform?

Yes, when an object falls freely due to gravity, its acceleration is uniform and equal to 9.8 m/s^2, directed towards the center of the Earth. This uniform acceleration is the result of the gravitational force acting on the object and is independent of the object's mass.

Why does an object accelerate when it falls toward as the earth's surface?

An object accelerates when it falls towards the Earth's surface due to the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity pulls the object towards the center of the Earth, causing it to increase in speed as it falls.

A body falling freely from a hight towards the earth moves with uniform?

acceleration due to gravity. This acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 and causes the body to increase its velocity uniformly as it falls towards the Earth.

Which type of motion is exhibited by a freely falling body?

A freely falling body exhibits uniform acceleration motion due to the force of gravity acting on it. This means that the body's speed increases by the same amount every second as it falls towards the Earth.

When an object falls freely the kinetic energy of the object will?

increase as it falls due to the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.

Which properties of a ball is conserved as it falls freely in a vacuum?

The mechanical energy of the ball is conserved as it falls freely in a vacuum, meaning the sum of its potential and kinetic energy remains constant. Additionally, the total momentum of the ball is conserved during its free fall.

Why does an apple falls down from a tree why dont goes up?

The acceleration of a freely falling body is dependended upon the mass of the two bodies involved, a mass of the apple is nothing, when compared to mass of the earth, so it tends to move downward towards earth.

As an object falls towards the ground what happen to the kinetic energy of the object?

As the object falls towards the ground, its gravitational potential energy decreases and is converted to kinetic energy. This means that the kinetic energy of the object increases as it gets closer to the ground.

If a body falls freely from infinity then it will be striking the earth with what velocity?

The body will be striking the Earth with a velocity equal to its escape velocity, which is around 11.2 km/s. At this velocity, the body will have enough kinetic energy to overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and reach the surface.