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The wavelength of light decreases as it travels from ice to water, due to the change in the speed of light as it crosses the boundary between the two mediums. This phenomenon is known as refraction.

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Q: When light travel from ice to water what happen to its wavelength?
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What wavelength of light penetrates the deepest?

In the ocean, blue light penetrates the deepest due to its shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to longer-wavelength light. Blue light can travel further through water before being absorbed, making it the dominant color at greater depths.

In air a light source emits a wavelength of 630nm under water what will the wavelength of light be?

The wavelength of light in water can be calculated using the formula: λ_w = λ_a / n, where λ_w is the wavelength in water, λ_a is the wavelength in air, and n is the refractive index of water (approximately 1.33). Plugging in the values, the wavelength of light in water would be around 473nm.

Does speed increases as a wavelength increases?

No, speed is not directly related to wavelength in the context of light. In a vacuum, all wavelengths of light travel at the speed of light (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second). However, in a medium such as glass or water, different wavelengths of light travel at different speeds due to their interaction with the medium.

Why red has the longest wavelength?

Red light has the longest wavelength among the visible spectrum because it has the lowest frequency and energy. The longer wavelength of red light causes it to scatter less than other colors, giving it the ability to travel farther through the atmosphere and water.

How much bigger is a wavelength of a water wave that measures 2 meters than a wavelength of red light that id 650 nanometers?

The wavelength of the water wave that measures 2 meters is 3,076,923 times bigger than the wavelength of red light that is 650 nanometers.

Related questions

What color water does light travel through fastest?

According to the light spectrum, water should travel through a more violet coloured water the fastest. The speed of light through a medium is not governed by its wavelength, so colour is not a factor.

What wavelength of light penetrates the deepest?

In the ocean, blue light penetrates the deepest due to its shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to longer-wavelength light. Blue light can travel further through water before being absorbed, making it the dominant color at greater depths.

In air a light source emits a wavelength of 630nm under water what will the wavelength of light be?

The wavelength of light in water can be calculated using the formula: λ_w = λ_a / n, where λ_w is the wavelength in water, λ_a is the wavelength in air, and n is the refractive index of water (approximately 1.33). Plugging in the values, the wavelength of light in water would be around 473nm.

Does speed increases as a wavelength increases?

No, speed is not directly related to wavelength in the context of light. In a vacuum, all wavelengths of light travel at the speed of light (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second). However, in a medium such as glass or water, different wavelengths of light travel at different speeds due to their interaction with the medium.

Why red has the longest wavelength?

Red light has the longest wavelength among the visible spectrum because it has the lowest frequency and energy. The longer wavelength of red light causes it to scatter less than other colors, giving it the ability to travel farther through the atmosphere and water.

What happens to the velocity and wavelength of light when it passes from air into water?

When light passes from air into water, its velocity decreases due to the higher refractive index of water. This results in the light's wavelength also decreasing.

How far does lighting travel in water?

Not very far. The charge the lightning carries is disbursed in a short distance in water, and a shorter distance still in salt water. A few meters is about all that is required for the current density to drop to some small value. A few tens of meters maximum.

How much bigger is a wavelength of a water wave that measures 2 meters than a wavelength of red light that id 650 nanometers?

The wavelength of the water wave that measures 2 meters is 3,076,923 times bigger than the wavelength of red light that is 650 nanometers.

What is the wavelength of yellow soduim in water?

The wavelength of yellow sodium light in water is approximately 589 nanometers. This specific wavelength is characteristic of the spectral emission line of sodium when it is viewed through water.

Light waves differ fundamentally from either water waves or sound waves because?

light waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike water and sound waves which both need a medium (water and air, respectively). Light waves are electromagnetic in nature and can travel through a vacuum. They have different wave properties such as wavelength, frequency, and speed compared to water and sound waves.

How do you expect the light wave to travel differently?

Light waves can travel through different mediums, such as air, water, and glass. The speed and direction of light waves can change depending on the medium they are traveling through due to factors like refraction and reflection. The wavelength and frequency of light waves remain constant regardless of the medium they are traveling through.

How much bigger is it is the wavelength of a water wave that measures to meters then the wavelength of a red light that is 650 nm?

The wavelength of the water wave that measures in meters is much bigger than the wavelength of the red light which is 650 nm. The difference is approximately 6 orders of magnitude, as 1 meter is equivalent to 1,000,000,000 nm.