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Q: When light can not pass through a material you say the material is what?
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Objects that don't let light pass through them?

Objects that don't let light pass through them are called opaque. These objects absorb or reflect light, preventing it from passing through. Materials like wood, metal, and cardboard are examples of opaque objects.

Is material transparent if 97 percent of light passes through it?

Yes, a material that allows 97 percent of light to pass through it would be considered transparent. Transparency is typically defined as the ability of a material to transmit light without scattering, making objects on the other side clearly visible.

How do you say pass through in Spanish?

How do you say pass through in spanish?

What word is it when light can't pass through a block of wood?

You would say that the wood is opaque.

What is it called when light hits a surface that it cannot pass through?

There is no scientific term for what happens when light hits an opaque object I'm afraid to say.

What do light rays do as they pass from one transparent material from another?

Light rays change speed and direction as they pass from one transparent material to another, a phenomenon known as refraction. The amount of bending depends on the difference in optical density between the two materials.

What light passes through an object?

Transparent materials allow light to pass through them, such as glass and clear plastic. Light passes through these objects without being scattered or absorbed due to the arrangement of their molecules.

Opaque absorb or reflect light?

An opaque material neither allows light to pass through it nor does it transmit light. Instead, it absorbs or reflects light. This is why opaque objects appear solid and do not allow any visibility through them.

What happens when light passes through something?

The velocity of light is greatest when travelling through a vacuum. When travelling through something else, a glass material say, then its velocity is slower. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in that substance. For example light travels in a vacuum about 1.3 times as fast as in water, so we say water has a refractive index of 1.3. And it is likely that the velocity in the glass will be different at different wavelengths of light.

Permeability refers to?

Permeability refers to the ability of a material to allow substances to pass through it, such as liquids or gases. It is an important property in various fields, including geology, engineering, and biology. Materials with high permeability allow for easier passage of substances, while those with low permeability restrict the flow.

What does it mean to say light is absorbed?

When light is absorbed, it means that the energy of the light is taken in by a material or object rather than being reflected or transmitted through it. This absorption of light energy can result in an increase in the internal energy or temperature of the material, or trigger chemical reactions or other processes within the material.

Do opaque and translucent and transparent materials reflect and absorb light and if so what is amount of light reflected and absorbed comparatively?

Opaque materials do not let light pass through them and reflect most of the light that hits them, absorbing very little. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through, reflecting and absorbing a small amount. Transparent materials allow light to pass through them with very little reflection or absorption. The amount of light reflected and absorbed varies depending on the specific material and its properties.