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Efficiency is usually a measurement of the input versus the output. But, it also has an element of comparing to all the competing technologies.

Is a solar panel that captures 19% of the sun's energy and converts it to electricity efficient? (See Sunpower Solar). Compared to the competitors that capture about 10%, it is very efficient. Yet, compared to the space technology panels that get about 40% efficiency (Emcore, Boeing), it still has some work to do.
But, with a solar panel, efficiency in many senses is just a measurement of how much space it will take up on the rooftop.

With a hot water heater, efficiency might be a measurement of how much electricity or gas you need to buy. And that is something that is easy to measure an input vs output, assuming we believe the estimates.

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9mo ago

Something is considered efficient when it produces desired results with minimal waste of time, resources, or effort. Efficiency often involves optimizing processes, maximizing output, and minimizing costs, ultimately leading to greater productivity and effectiveness.

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