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A visible white light on another vessel indicates that it is approaching you head-on. This means you should also exhibit a white light to signify that your vessel is also approaching head-on.

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Q: When encountering other vessels in the darkness or reduced visibility what does a visible white light indicate?
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When driving in foggy weather visibility is greatly in the opposite and same directions?

In foggy weather, visibility is greatly reduced in all directions. The fog can make it difficult to see objects both in front of and behind you, as well as to the sides. It is important to drive cautiously and use low beam headlights to improve visibility.

Why are the chances of a collision greater at night?

The chances of a collision are greater at night due to reduced visibility, which makes it harder for drivers to see obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles on the road. Additionally, drivers may be more fatigued at night, increasing the likelihood of errors in judgement or reaction time. The darkness at night can also make it harder to judge distances accurately.

Why is it hard to see red on whiteboard?

It can be difficult to see red writing on a whiteboard because red pigment has a low contrast against the white background. The lack of contrast makes it harder for our eyes to distinguish the red color, leading to reduced visibility and legibility. Using darker or more vibrant colors on the whiteboard can enhance visibility and readability.

What sound signal should you hear in the fog?

In fog, you should listen for fog signals such as fog horns or whistles from nearby boats or ships. These signals help vessels communicate their presence and location to prevent collisions in reduced visibility conditions.

What happens to light as it travels through fog?

Light gets scattered and absorbed by the water droplets in the fog, leading to diffusion and reduced visibility. This scattering of light causes the fog to appear opaque or thick, making objects appear blurred or dimmed.

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You are approaching a powerboat head-on

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The other vessel is coming directly toward the observer, so both the port and starboard running lights are visible.

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The other vessel is coming directly toward the observer, so both the port and starboard running lights are visible.

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You are approaching the stern of another vessel and may be overtaking it

When encountering other vessels in darkness or reduced visibility what does a visible white light indicate?

A vessel displaying a visible white light signifies that it is a power-driven vessel. Observing this light helps determine the vessel's status and potential course of action to avoid a collision.

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Go around on either side is the action that is required of Boat A while overtaking Boat B in darkness or reduced visibility.

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Give-way to the starboard side