

When does your foreskin come off?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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The foreskin never "comes off". It remains attached to the penis. The foreskin does slide back to expose the penis head. This is most visible when men have erections, but men can also pull back their foreskin when soft. The foreskin is sometimes removed in a surgery called circumcision. This is primarily practiced by members of certain religions, specifically Judaism and Islam. A:They may be asking about when it is able to retract. When boys are born their forskin is fused to the glans of the penis. It should not be forced back! It's like that for a reason. It prevents boys from getting infections or rashes under there until they are potty trained and better able to wash themselves. As boys grow up the foreskin starts to loosen up and starts to separate a bit every time the skin gets pulled back to wash the penis, and from boys "playing with themselves". I'm not talking about masturbation there, but young boys constantly fiddle with themselves, and their parents have to keep telling them to stop that! If the foreskin hasn't retracted all the way by the time they hit puberty, it usually will once he starts masturbating regularly.

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1mo ago

For most males, the foreskin naturally separates from the head of the penis during childhood. This process is typically completed by early adolescence, although it can vary from person to person. If the foreskin does not retract easily or causes issues, it is recommended to seek advice from a healthcare provider.

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If you don't have foreskin that means you have been circumcised. Circumcision is a surgery during which part of the skin of the penis, called the foreskin, is cut off of the rest of the penis. After circumcision the head of the penis is always exposed since there is no foreskin left to cover it. Foreskin does not grow back after it has been cut off. Most circumcisions are performed when boys are only a few days old, which is why you don't remember it.

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When you have an erection the penis also become longer. The foreskin is not always long enough to stretch all the way.

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HI does your foreskin cover the hole completely Have you ever masturbated? If yes did *** come out? If so then no you should be able to *** inside a girl if you can *** while masturbating.

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Can a person be circumcised twice?

No, however complications can arise where more work has to be carried out to repair damage done if possible, by the original circumcision. The foreskin will not grow back.

What it means to be circumcise?

If a male is circumcised then he has had a surgical procedure during which part of the skin of the penis, called the foreskin, is cut off. This leaves the head of the penis exposed and uncovered.To be circumcised is to have circumcision performed. This is the removal of the foreskin, the skin and tissue that covers the head (glans) of a penis.Circumcision is a tradition with Jewish families, in which the foreskin of the penis is cut off (along with a small section of the frenulum), when the boy is still a baby.