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A body is said to be in motion when it changes its position with respect to its immediate sorroundings and it is at rest when it does no changes its position with respect to its sorroundings (immediate).

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You say a body is at rest when it is not changing its position or moving at a constant speed in a straight line. On the other hand, you say a body is moving when it is changing its position or its speed.

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Q: When do you say body at rest and when do you say it is moving?
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What is a body that is not moving is said to be at what?

A body that is not moving is said to be at rest.

What is a body that is not moving is said to be at?

At rest.

What is absolute rest and absolute motion?

Absolute rest is the concept that an object is not moving at all in relation to a fixed reference point, while absolute motion is the concept that an object is moving at a constant velocity in a straight line without any acceleration in relation to a fixed reference point. These concepts are foundational in classical physics but are not applicable in modern physics due to the theory of relativity.

How are a body at rest and body moving similar in velocity?

Both a body at rest and a body moving have a velocity of zero at a single point in time. The difference lies in their average velocities over a period of time - a body at rest maintains a constant velocity of zero, while a body in motion will have a non-zero average velocity over that period.

What does it mean to say something is in mechanical equilibrium?

It means there are no unbalanced forces, or the net force is zero. That means if a t rest it will stay at rest, or if in motion it will stay in motion with no acceleration.It means that there is no net force acting on the object(s). A body moving at constant velocity is in mechanical equilibrium. A body that is not moving is in static equilibrium.

What is static inertia?

Static inertia is when a body at rest wants to stay at rest, or a body that is moving at a constant speed stays at the constant speed.

Sketch a distance time graph as when a body is at rest and when a body is moving with constant speed?

about a hour

Can a body at rest said to be in motion?

Any body in the universe is never said to be rest as the electrons inside it keeps moving to and fro and thus no matter on the universe is in standard rest.

When do we say that a body is in motion?

That means that it is moving.

Can a body at rest have an accleration?

acceleration is a relative quantity . state of rest or motion is also relative . if two body is in rest or moving with same velocity and having same acceleration then one is in state of rest with respect to other . suppose a person sitting in a train then he is in rest with respect to train but he is moving with the acceleration of train with respect to the ground.

Can a body have acceleration while at rest?

No, a body cannot have acceleration while at rest. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time, so for a body to have acceleration, it must be in motion.

All motion is relative?

All motion is relative. The question "is this object moving?" is in fact meaningless unless we specify "moving relative to what other object". Similarly, there is no such thing as "absolute rest": it's just as true to say that the road is moving at 50 km/h relative to your car as it is to say that your car is moving at 50 km/h relative to the road.