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That is called inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, whether it is moving or at rest.

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Q: When an object wants to continue in the motion it's already traveling in is called?
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An object is traveling in a straight line in space no forces are acting on the object based on this evidence what will happen to the objects motion?

Nothing will happen to the object's motion, it will continue along its path.

What causes an object want to continue doing whatever it was already doing?

Inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to stay in motion.

Will an item move if it has balanced forces?

If the item is already in motion, yes; it will continue to move in the same direction and at the same speed.

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The rate at which an object is traveling in a certain direction is called velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed of the object and its direction of motion.

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Who is at fault when car reversing into space hits a car in road?

The reversing car attempting to park would be at fault. The car already traveling in the road would have the right of way since they are already properly in motion and traveling in the correct direction of traffic.. The reversing car would be traveling against the flow of traffic and has an obligation to ensure that the way is clear before reversing.

What happens to the motion of an object if no net force acts?

If no net force acts on an object, the object will continue in its current state of motion. This means that if it is at rest, it will remain at rest, and if it is moving at a constant velocity, it will continue moving at that velocity.

A object in motion that tends to stay in motion has what?

An object in motion that tends to stay in motion has inertia. This means the object will continue moving unless acted upon by an external force, in accordance with Newton's first law of motion.

What are some examples of uniform motion?

A vehicle traveling at exactly 60 mph down a perfectly straight road. This is uniform motion. Uniform motion is when an object is moving in a straight line at a constant speed.A car on a busy road.The motion of the car is traveled in same speed is called uniform motion.The car is going in retardation motion is called uniform motion

What is direction of a waves motion called?

Well, it's often referred to as the direction of propagation of the wave.