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It depends on their relative air resistance. If air resistance were not a factor, the objects would actaully all fall at the same rate. Astronauts confirmed this during a lunar landing by dropping a hammer and a feather. Since the moon lacks an atmosphere, which ordinarily greatly reduces the rate at which a feather will fall, the hammer and the feather fell at the same rate.

No matter how massive an object, if wind resistance is not factored in, all objects fall at the same rate on the earth's surface. Higher-mass objects will have more momentum because of their mass (and thus do more damage if they hit something), but have the same 9.8 meters/second2 acceleration on the surface of Earth due to gravity.

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Both bodies, regardless of their masses, will reach the ground at the same time assuming no other forces such as air resistance are acting on them. This is because all objects accelerate towards the ground due to gravity at the same rate, known as the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) on Earth. This acceleration is independent of the mass of the object.

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If a stone and a pencil are dropped simultaneously in vacuum fron the same height which of two will reach the ground first?

In vacuum, both the stone and the pencil would fall at the same rate due to gravity and there would be no air resistance to affect their acceleration. Therefore, both the stone and the pencil would reach the ground at the same time.

If 2 balls of different masses are propelled vertically upward at the same speed from the same height which will hit the ground first?

Both balls will hit the ground at the same time, regardless of their masses, assuming we neglect air resistance. This is because they will experience the same acceleration due to gravity, and their initial speed will only determine the height they reach before falling back down at the same rate.

What will fall first a book or a notebook?

Assuming they are both dropped from the same height in a vacuum, they would fall at the same rate and hit the ground simultaneously, as their mass and size do not affect their rate of falling in a vacuum.

What will happen if you throw a ball straight into the air?

The ball will go up, reach its maximum height, then start to fall back down due to gravity. It will eventually land back on the ground.

A solid sphere solid cylinder and hollow solid cylinder having same mass fall from incline surface which will reach ground in least time?

All three objects will reach the ground at the same time, assuming they are released simultaneously from the same height on the incline. This is because the time taken for an object to fall is independent of its shape or mass as long as there is no air resistance impacting the fall. The time taken is solely determined by the acceleration due to gravity and the initial height from which they are released.

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The first explorer to reach James river fall line was Christopher Newport.

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Halo: Fall of Reach

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It will fall with increasing velocity due to gravity and reach the peak velocity just before hitting the ground.

What are some good halo books?

fall of the reach and the flood First strike is the best by far.

What happens to the distance you fall during each second?

If you fall from a very considerable height then initially the distance that you fall will increase with each second that you fall. However, air resistance increases markedly with speed and this causes your acceleration to decrease so that you reach a maximum speed (terminal velocity)

When you fall down what happens to the skeletal system?

it depends upon the height and distance. if we fall from a height we may get fractures in the bones or severe injuries. if we fall from a less height we may not get such injuries.

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To level up you have to first get the bar up. Then, you have to go and do the mission.

What height do you fall from if you fall for 6.5 seconds?

Over 9000.

If a stone and a pencil are dropped simultaneously in vacuum fron the same height which of two will reach the ground first?

In vacuum, both the stone and the pencil would fall at the same rate due to gravity and there would be no air resistance to affect their acceleration. Therefore, both the stone and the pencil would reach the ground at the same time.

Why there is probability of getting hurt when you fall from certain height?

If you fall from any given height, whether or not you get hurt will depend on a large number of factors: what you fall on, how you fall, whether or not there was something that broke your fall on the way down and so forth.

What is halo reach going to be about?

the fall of the colony planet named 'reach'

Does different speed of two objects effect the time it takes to reach the ground?

If thrown horizontal from same height the faster object will travel farther horizontally, but time to fall is the same. If thrown straight up, the faster object will take longer to fall