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Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the ball rolls down the hill. At the top of the hill, the ball has a higher potential energy due to its position, and as it moves downhill, this potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy of motion.

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Q: When a ball rolls down a hill what When a ball rolls down a hill what energy conversion occursenergy conversion occurs?
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When a ball rolls down a hill what kind energy conversion occurs?

When a ball rolls down a hill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the ball descends the hill, its potential energy decreases while its kinetic energy increases, due to the force of gravity. This conversion demonstrates the principle of conservation of energy.

When A ball rolls down a hill what energy conversion of Occurs?

When a ball rolls down a hill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the ball moves downhill, its potential energy due to its height is converted into the energy of motion, which is kinetic energy.

When a ball rolls down a hill what wasted energy conversion occurs?

When a ball rolls down a hill, some of its kinetic energy is converted into heat due to friction with the ground. This is considered wasted energy as it is not useful for the ball's motion or any useful work.

When a ball rolls down a hill what energy conversion occursng?

As the ball rolls down the hill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The higher the hill, the more potential energy the ball has, which is converted into kinetic energy as it gains speed while rolling downhill.

When a ball rolls down a hill what energy conversation occurs?


When a ball rolls down the hill what energy occurs?

The situation is similar as when an object falls. Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy (including rotational energy in this case); part of that kinetic energy is converted to heat energy.

What energy conservation occurs when a ball rolls down a hill?

When a ball rolls down a hill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the ball moves downward, its potential energy decreases while its kinetic energy increases. This is an example of the conservation of mechanical energy, where the sum of potential and kinetic energy remains constant in the absence of external forces like friction.

What example is a ball slows down as it rolls up a hill?

A ball slowing down as it rolls up a hill is an example of kinetic energy being converted into potential energy. As the ball moves uphill, it loses kinetic energy which is converted into gravitational potential energy due to its increased height. This conversion causes the ball to slow down.

Which describe the energy conversion used to make a car go down the street?

Assuming it just rolls down a slope, without the engines working: gravitational potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy. The kinetic energy will eventually be converted to heat energy.

When a ball rolls down a hill what energy conversiin occurs?

When a ball rolls down a hill, kinetic energy (energy of motion) is converted from potential energy (stored energy) due to its position at the top of the hill. As the ball moves, potential energy decreases while kinetic energy increases. Friction between the ball and the ground also converts some of the kinetic energy into thermal energy (heat) and sound energy.

What kind of energy does the can gain as it rolls back to you?

As the can rolls back to you, it gains kinetic energy. This energy comes from the potential energy it had from being lifted up, as it is converted into motion when released.

When a ball rolls down a hill what energy occurs?

When a ball rolls down a hill, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the ball moves downward, it gains speed and its kinetic energy increases while its potential energy decreases. This energy transformation is governed by the law of conservation of energy.